[h2]Sakura Kyouko[/h2] Kyouko was about to launch her spear upwards, to yank another bug down from the sky, when suddenly yet another magical girl appeared. This one seemed more akin to the flying girl with the sword who was chopping apart the creatures in the sky than anything she was familiar with. But all magical girls looked a bit different, she supposed. Eh, wasn't the time to think about that crap, was it? Though it was kind of a surprise when the newcomer suddenly whipped out a pair of gatling guns and fired into the sky, the roar of gunfire nearly blotting out the sound of the bugs being ripped to shreds, their remains tumbling from the sky and crashing to the ground below in huge numbers. It was cutting the swarm down. "These pieces of trash are screwed!" she commented with a fanged grin, her spear lashing up to slit one of them open as it began to fly towards her, the chains rattling as she cleaved apart its abdomen and spilled greenish blood across the ground. One swiftly landed beside her, managing to evade the gunfire. Or at least it appeared so at first. As Kyouko whirled around, she saw it had lost one wing and a limb to the newcomer's attacks even if it had managed to land close and was lunging with snapping jaws at her. Swinging her spear in an arc, the redheaded magical girl drove it downwards and through the beast's head, planting it there to use it almost like a pole vaulter would, throwing herself into the air and leaping over the corpse, yanking the tip out as she landed behind it.