I've compiled a list of races and creatures that are common in Coake. This list isn't being created to make boundaries, but to simply explain a few things in reference to the story. If you have any questions about creatures or races not on this list, that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't allowed to exist. I would only request that you run them by me first. This will be added to the main post once I've completed it. I threw this together at work, so please forgive any typos for the time being. [b]Humans:[/b] [insert obligatory description of our own race here] [b]Dwarves:[/b] Dwarves live deep within the mountains to the North East of Coake and the Northern portion of the Wisdom Mountains. Their cities are built within spacious caverns and tunnels. They are as short in height as they tend to be in temper. They are a prideful, strong and sturdy people with a religion and culture that is quite different from the world of men. Dwarves are very rarely seen outside of their own cities and towns and very rarely allow humans to enter their domain. They tend to avoid dabbling in human affairs, but did venture outside their caves to help the humans in any way they could once the war began. The dwarves developed a respect for the humans, but due to the great losses they endured and the loss of the war, they in inevitably retreated back to their cities within the mountains and continue to main little contact with the outside world (although they do trade with humans more frequently than they used to). [b]Elves:[/b] The elves have always been a race whose origins and culture were shrouded in mystery. Physically they tend to be fairly tall and lithe. For centuries they were very involved with human affairs-- but from a tentative distance. Before the war, it was very common to see elves among human villages and King Antony even had several on his council. 10 years before the war began, they started to disappear. They became less and less of a common sight until they had completely disappeared. As the war loomed overhead, the king sent scouts into the Northern forests to search for the elves and request their aid. Their beautiful cities, however, were found deserted with no signs of life aside from the birds and animals that had taken up residency in the elves' abandon homes. [b]Orcs:[/b] Orcs are a brutish, aggressive, repulsive and generally malevolent species, existing in stark contrast with the elves. They are of varying size and color, much like humans, but with more varying degrees of sickly grey. For centuries they were known merely as a race of scavengers that prowled the mountains and countryside to the south. They are very crude in culture and value very few things above glory in battle, food, sex, and money. Their newly found position of authority has done nothing but feed their evil ambitions. They are known to travel in packs and create temporary campsites when they aren't barging into the homes of innocent villagers and demanding to be fed. [b]Goblins:[/b] Evil, mischievous, grotesque, and dwarf-like in stature, goblins are to dwarves what orcs are to elves. They are known for having very long and pointed noses and tend to come in varying shades of green. They possess mild magical abilities as well. Before the war, goblins lived amongst the humans, but were very poorly treated. This was partially brought upon by their indisputable habit of stealing, lying, and other such dirty dealings. Goblins are fond of nothing more than gold and silver. Now employed by the sorcerer and sorceress, goblins are said to control the inner workings of Vevian, Jeorvo, and Frel-- although many speculate this is merely a conspiracy. [b]Fairies:[/b] Tiny winged elf-like creatures that are typically no bigger than the stem of a large wine glass. They possess mild magical properties and are said to live within the northern forests and in some pockets of the Wisdom Mountains. It is considered very good luck to see one and they are said to be very beautiful. They are a fairly rare sight and fetch a very good price on the black market. [b]Pixies:[/b] Tiny winged elf-like creatures that are very similar in appearance to fairies, but typically quite different in behavior. While fairies tend to be graceful and well mannered, pixies are... not. They possess no magical abilities. They live in much the same environment as fairies, but due to oppression and a strange curiousity for all things new, old, and dangerous, they have also been known to reside in human attics and abandoned homes. It is considered fatal bad luck to have one cross your path. [i]Coming Soon...[/i] Dragons, Wyverns, Unicorns, Trolls, Golems, Imps, Basilisk, Naga, Doppelgangers, Phoenix, Sphinx, Mermaids, Sirens... [@Sodium] I'll review your new cs later this afternoon.