Valery chuckles at the girls description of herself. "That's not a problem we deal with at armory. With all the traffic in the tunnels the mutants have learned to stay in the shadows. Plus I think all the fighting drives them away." Valerys tone gets a bit more serious. "You wouldn't believe the racket they make at that bridge. It has to be nearly a half mile away but when they got the gates open the sound of gunshots and explosions echoes all the way down the tunnels. That bridge does worry me though. We seem to keep sending troops and not many seem to come back. I just hope the nazis are losing more people than us." Valery goes back to a bit lighter tone, obviously finding the next story amusing. "One time those nazis tried to blow the bridge up and my god what a noise that was! I thought it was going to break the walls of our station!" Valery realizes he probably shouldn't be giving out so much information about the reds war, but it was nice to have some new people to talk to. And what was the worst that could happen? He was going to never see these people ever again. And it's not like they would be coming to Red Line. The girl was alright, but there's somthing about the old man that just creeped Valery out. It wasn't that he wasn't nice. He just doesn't seem... Approachable.