[quote=@Nafasi] [hider=Violet Ray] [b]Name:[/b] Violet Ray [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Nationality:[/b] North America / Sioux Tribal Native Decent [b]Prison Faction:[/b] Amazons [b]Ability:[/b] BLEEDER - Bleeders have the ability to emit high-pitched sonic vibrations that cause ruptures in a target's blood vessels. While using this ability, their pupils turn into vertical slits, like a snake's, because of synthetic materials implanted in them to protect their blood vessels from the effects of their own ability. They are also sometimes known as Screeches or Screamers. [b]Biography:[/b] Violet was raised by her family in a small tribal village at the edge of a Sioux reserve in Arizona. Her tribe was by no means wealthy and were, in fact, self sufficient in many ways. Her village learned of her powers during a toddler aged tantrum that led to a drop of several grown men. At the time her abilities were vastly underdeveloped and didn't cause much damage. The men she had knocked to the ground simply got back up, but from that moment on, she would never be the same. Her family tried to protect her from the outside world. Then hid her in the village until an accident led to word being spread about a "goddess" in the village. Her tribe soon believed that she was inhabited by the spirits and was kept sacred. Eventually word made its way to the wrong source. Her village was raided in the middle of the night. Homes were burning and several tribal leaders were murdered while she was taken away in a large black vehicle. The mysterious men took her to the center where she remained for three months. She had just been put up for auction when the explosion happened. [b]Personality:[/b] Violet is a free spirit. She is reserved and keeps to herself most of the time. Because of her tribes reverence towards her, she is used to being a leader. She can be vindictive if double crossed but tends to make close bonds that keep situations like that from occurring often. With a "take not shit" attitude, violet tends to keep people on their toes and tends to have a taste for power. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/13aee63cb7d36073e0b6c3744c875abc/tumblr_nt2k46qWCl1tjr4w6o1_500.gif[/img] [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [/quote] Firstly, it's considered rather rude and presumptuous to post your CS to the character tab before it's been approved. That Tab is for approved characters. But forgetting about that for a moment: The power looks interesting and the rather unique name Bleeders seem to suggest it's from something. I'll give you props for being unique but I'm going to have to ask you to chose another ability. The most prominent reason is that functionally speaking your character's power is specifically designed to be PvP. It attacks humans directly with very little application outside of combat. I'm not going to say that's a bad thing, many of our players have combat oriented abilities but in an RP where Player Vs Player situations are not just likely be expected I can't allow there to be powers that target a person in such a specific and nearly unblockable way. Secondly and this had less bearing but you mentioned a synthetic material implanted in her eye. That would suggest she had some awareness of her abilities at a young enough age to avoid injuring herself with them and went to some sort of surgeon. This wasn't in the first post and now that I think of it I may have forgotten to mention it in the OOC but while being a meta isn't illegal (at least in the states and Canada) metas are required to register with the government (not many do for obvious reason). A procedure like that would be very specific and the surgeon would have to realize that the person he was operating on was a meta. He would then be required to report her to the government or risk losing his license to practice. Once she was on a government list the Corporation would be able to find her a lot easier and much sooner than what looked like about twelve years. But as the power isn't approved that's not really an issue. [quote=@Weird Tales] [hider=The Cross] Faction Name: The Cross Leader: Sam King Power: Gravity Manipulation Appearance: Sam is five feet and ten inches tall. He wears a black trench coat and white short-sleeved shirt and cargo pants. He finally wears black shoes that are good for running. His hair is bright red and his face while young looks tough and his eyes are a fierce blue. Purpose: The Cross is to dish out punishment to those who have committed sins against the church and to punish those who threw Sam in prison. They also assist boys and men in trouble and try to help them with their issues in a non-controlling way. They are traditionalist and hate progressives viewing them as mind controlling devils. Their leader isn't as extreme, but he isn't against those going beyond what is necessary to hurt their enemies. Age: It was created when Sam went to the Center History: Sam started this faction with a prison friend of his who was also a catholic metahuman and they agreed that by getting as many metahumans to embrace God's calling they could get out and change this sinful world for the better. It was difficult at first, but Sam was determined with his goals and very slowly they started to get more members. As it is now, they have a good number and have been trying to get normal people as well as metahumans to their call. Leadership: Saint: Saints are the top of the top in the order and are the generals of The Cross. They command the lower ranked members and make council with each other to decide what laws should be made and what missions to partake in. They are always strong metahumans and have no normal humans among them. Crusader: They are the combat experts of the order and live to fight for the cause. Not all are metahumans, but ones that are will be trained to use their abilities to their full combat potential. Monk: They are like the watchmen and protectors of the secrets of the order. They can be like caretakers and assassins ready to defend the hidden secrets of the Cross by any means necessary. Priest: They as healers and moral boosters. They also learn scripture and give services Selection: If you're traditional, catholic as well as authoritarian then you'll be welcomed in this faction. They have made a couple of exceptions, but being catholic and against progressives are the main requirements to becoming a member of The Cross. Initiation: Swear loyalty to God and to the Cross and prove yourself on a mission for the order. Size: As it is right now, The Cross is almost fifty members strong. Assets: Muscle, teamwork and a moral compass is what this faction offers most. They also are not greedy and will share in resources with others if they are fine with them. [/hider] [/quote] You keep making references to accepting non metas and the Crusaders and Saints not all being metahumans or all having to be metas. The fact is the only non meta humans present in the Center are the guards (most of them anyways) and they don't join prison factions. With regards to the age I'd prefer you actually listed how long the group has been around. I don't want to have to hunt down random facts in your CS to discover certain information. What exactly do you mean by "Progressives"? I'm not going to say that Sam can't be the Leader of the Cross but bear in mind that when the escape comes to pass Edmund and Gloria are going to teleport out as many people in close proximity to them as possible and the likelihood of several different faction leaders being near one another is not altogether likely. If you really want Sam to be the leader of the Cross you are more than welcome to but I would suggest creating an NPC for the job.