[hider=Kyogen, the masked wanderer] [center] Name: He goes by Kyogen Age: 21 Sex: Male Race: Hylian Handiness: Ambidextrous [hider=Appearance] [img] http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/060/f/c/legend_of_zelda_majora_s_mask_side_character_by_narusasuangel-d5wnq2p.jpg [/img] [/hider] Inheritance: Fierce Deity Mask- A mysterious mask that is said to have extrordinary powers. Unfortunately, it exhibits nothing of the sort, remaining a simple (but creepy) mask. Broken Sword- A massive two handed sword, broken into three pieces. The hilt piece is long enough to pass as a short sword. Personality: A very mysterious man. He is a wanderer who doesn't like to get involved, but too often he does. He is a very light hearted and seemingly carefree soul who likes to joke around and entertain people through jokes or stories or music. Especaly childern, he has a soft spot for childern. He is also very kind hearted and a good man through and through, he always tries to do the best thing in any situation, even if it goes against his personal beleifs. He doesn't get angry easily, but when he does, he explodes like a volcano. He loves food and has a fondness for strong drinks that is without equal. That said, his tolerance for it is quite high. In combat, however, the easydoing facade drops and he becomes an emotionless killing machine. He has mood swings in other ways, too. Sometimes he gets melancholy and speaks little. Recent history: A wanderer shrouded in mystery, he spends his days going from town to town, earning a living however he can. Personal Goal: He seems to be searching for someone or something... Three strengths (Not just combat) 1. An incredible warrior 2. A kind heart 3. Gets along easily with others Three weaknesses (Not just combat) 1. Often takes too much on himself 2. Prefers to be alone 3. Merciless Greatest Love: Coffee Hates the most: Cowards (and a certain person) Misc: He plays a hand drum he keeps in the pack he carries around. The feather in his hair has a sharp blade point He is a good artist and carver. Terrible morning person. Theme: [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4-8-lGpYPL8[/youtube] [/center][/hider]