Here is Jason Reed and the faction SITE [hider=Jason Reed] [b]Name:[/b] Jason Reed [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Nationality:[/b] America, LA [b]Prison Faction:[/b] Leader of SITE [b]Ability:[/b] Data manipulation, Datakinesis. Jason often refers to his ability as "Malicious Code", or the ability to manipulate and control different forms of data. The techniques can vary from hacking with ease, to changing ones own genetic data however they wish. It can also be used for things like draining data, or creating a large amount inside of a piece of technology, to creating AI with almost human capabilities. The disadvantages of this is include only being able to edit the data if the user comes in contact with it, to only being able to manipulate the genetic data of himself. Along with this if he does not understand how the data works in a given machine/organism he cannot manipulate it. Extremely complex things like an entire persons DNA as well as something like a quantum computer are beyond his manipulation because of how complex they are to his mind. [b]Biography:[/b] Jason refuses to talk about his history past the point of of his capture and being sold. He states that whilst on the run from the companies people, he managed to hack into a CIA database. From there, he found the location of a supercomputer called Merlin. By downloading a fraction of its data onto his phone, he was able to create a link between it and Merlin, but only for general use. He couldn't do things like mass calculations but he could use it to scan the internet for all types of information. After a couple more months of running he was finally caught and was sold shortly after. By using his ability he managed to escape his owners. He then made his way to the centre, where he managed to forge his way in so that he could attempt to rescue as many metas of his kind as possible. He didn't count on there being an ability dampening field there. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=appearence] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] Derp. Oh and he did have a phone that was partially connected to a super computer, but I doubt he will ever get it back. [/hider][hider=Faction Sheet] [b]Faction Name:[/b] SITE [b]Leader:[/b] Jason Reed [i][indent]Power: Data Manipulation Appearance:[/indent][/i] [hider=appearence] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Purpose:[/b] The purpose was to create a unified sanctuary of tech metas under the banner of SITE. This was a place for metas of his kind of power to stand together and escape together. Of course, that didn't go strictly to plan. [b]History:[/b] After Jason was transferred into the centre, he was forced to face the harsh reality of his ability. It may have been powerful, but without his phone he is unable to do anything. He decided to create a group of metas that could stand together and be there if another needed them. Since he managed to get a phone into the prison, he has been trying to replicate the networking link between his phone and Merlin but it hasn't been working. The faction SOUL seemed to have it out for Jason and SITE, and a bitter rivalry began for no reason than because Jackson was bored. [hider=Hierarchy] [b]Leadership:[/b] Backdoor: the lowest ranked meta you can be. Firewall: a foot soldier. They can command the Backdoors but are still one of the lowest ranked. Trojan: these soldiers command the Firewalls and Backdoors and have shown they are superior in combat but also have non power abilities to use. Bot: the leaders of the Trojans. They are well respected and are generally given a bit of leeway from guards. Shutdown: these are specially chosen by the Code;End and are in control of the other members entirely. They are given more leeway by guards and most prisoners won't challenge them to anything because of their high rank. There are only 3 as of current. Code;End: Code;end is the leader of the faction, who is currently Jason. He has full command of the faction and all members. Guards tend to ignore his actions entirely but tend to do what he asks up to a point. This is also because his ability allows him to still use his ability in the dampening field. This is especially useful since he managed to get his phone into the prison, which is linked to the supercomputer Merlin. *Note: these ranks are the technical names, but the people in those ranks are not called them. This is just a way of organisation. [/hider] [b]Selection:[/b] the only determining factor is what their ability is. Those with electrical, machine, data or other similar kinds of abilities are welcome into SITE. those without are rejected. [b]Initiation:[/b] the initiation is just a basic demonstration of their abilities so they can be placed in the hierarchy. This also includes their non power skills. [b]Size:[/b] since there are few metas with the type of ability accepted, there are currently 57 members. [b]Assets:[/b] being relatively well respected, SITE members of Bot rank and above are given leeway by guards to a certain degree. Nothing like SOUL may do, but guards may look the other way for some crimes as well as possibly doing certain favours in exchange for bribes. [/hider]