[b][center][h3][color=seagreen]The Republic of Deltora 1901[/color][/h3][/center][/b][hr] [center][b]Evemont Shipyards[/b][/center] The People's Ship "Vigilant", the ship that would once more place the Republic of Deltora among the naval powers of the world. The Destroyer, heralded as the most deadly ever built of it's kind with some of the most advanced armaments of our age surpassing even those of Zellonia, found itself the center of attention for many a journalist and military officer alike. With the ships construction being a testimony to Deltoran engineering and industry, inquiries are also being made into modernizing the nine other active Destroyers of the Grand Fleet to that of the TPS Vigilant. Regardless, the TPS Vigilant serves as a reminder to the world that Deltora is and will remain a player upon it's stage as the peacekeeper and the liberal, a remainder to all that ones civility, liberty and independence will be he upheld. Within or outside of it's borders. [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f3/USS_United_States_keel_laid.jpg[/img] [i]Keel of the TPS Vigilant.[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]Deltoran Serranthia[/b][/center] As the stress on the colony and the disruption caused by a large number of men in one place, seemed to slowly shift away under the command of General Leroux and the efforts made to comfort them. As the new year dawned, 100 Light Artillery pieces carried across by barge under the supervision of the two Destroyers TPS Bounty and River made their way to the two port cities. Supplying either garrison of 50,000 with 50 Artillery pieces and crews each to reinforce their positions. [hr] [center][b]Trade Agreement with Luckland[/b][/center] Given the ever improving relations between the two countries, the Republic of Deltora and the United Provinces of Luckland, a trade agreement has been reached upon the dawn of the new year. The diplomat Eric Duclos, responsible for making the push to increase foreign relations with Luckland and the one whom secured both attempts to improve said relations, namely Deltora's guarantee of the United Provinces independence and more recently the trade agreement by land. This new accord serving to strengthen both nations industries and income as the new years begins. [hr] [center][b]The Cruska Gun Deal[/b][/center] In light of the Soroyans recent research into the weapon known as the Cruska Gun, the idea of such a weapon remains of great interest to the Deltoran military. Upon it's announcement, one, General Pomeroy accompanied by several diplomats by way of automobile made their way to the Soroyan Capital of Sikea to propose a deal representing Deltora. The purchase of Cruska Guns when they would be available for manufacture. Price and their number pending, but as early as 1902. [hr] [b]SUMMARY:[/B] - TPS Vigilant under construction. - 100 light artillery pieces moved to Deltoran Serranthia. 50 to each 50,000. - Cruska Gun Deal taking place.