[hider=Argon of the Gorons][center] [b]Name:[/b] Argon [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Goron [b]Handiness:[/b] Right [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://pre12.deviantart.net/6147/th/pre/f/2010/041/6/a/goron_warrior_by_adoublea.jpg[/img] [b]Inheritance:[/b] Megaton Hammer [b]Personality:[/b] He may be a Goron of few words, but that's not from a lack of intelligence or wisdom. In fact he's considered a wise man by his tribe. He's strong and values honor above anything else, fairly typical for one of his kind. [b]Recent History:[/b] Argon can trace his ancestry all the way back to Sage Darunia. In recent years he has stepped up as one of the leaders of the Goron people, effectively following the path of Sage Darunia. Becoming a leader is all well enough (Argon is more than happy to serve the Goron people), but it did mean giving up his childhood dream. For you see, Sage Darunia isn't Argon's only ancestor, his lineage can also be traced back to the great swordsmith, Biggoron. In Argon's youth, he dreamed of reforging the Biggoron Sword, which was lost long ago during the first battle against the Tyrant. But stepping into the role of a leader often demands that one set aside one's personal goals. [b]Personal Goal:[/b] His dream is to find and reforge the legendary Biggoron Sword. [b]Three strengths[/b] (Not just combat) 1. Basically a walking tank 2. Can travel deceptively fast once his rolling picks up speed. 3. He's generally pretty good at earning respect from others. [b]Three weaknesses[/b] (Not just combat) 1. His top speed is based on momentum, meaning it's slow to start. 2. His bulky form is pretty much the opposite of agile and flexible. 3. He's a Goron, so he obviously can't swim for shit. [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Biggoron's Great Forge. [b]Hates the most:[/b] Thieves, liars [b]Theme Song:[/b] WIP [/center][/hider] No one ever got back to me after I made the requested changes so here he is again.