[hider=Cricket] Name: Cricket [u]Age:[/u] 17 (but looks younger) [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Race:[/u] Sheikah (Sheikiri?) [u]Handedness:[/u] Right [hider=Appearance:] Cricket is of average to shortish height and lean, with thick white hair, tawny skin, and wiry muscle. His eyes are his most striking feature, red and very expressive, with three triangles tattooed above and a teardrop tattooed below his left eye. His style of dress is distinctive, combining elements of Kokiri and Sheikah attire, mostly colored black with an extra scarf-like bit around his neck that acts as a half mask when necessary. Cricket’s ears are pierced in three places each with small, simple gold rings. A brown hooded coat covers most everything. This is good because he is generally covered with kunai daggers and two particularly large and nasty blades: Sheikah kodachi. The last two are worn openly. He carries a simple, utilitarian backpack that looks like it is made of tree bark. [/hider] [u]Inheritance:[/u] Magic Boomerang – At this time, capable of stunning enemies and retrieving objects. Fast movement, long range. Always returns to Cricket, regardless of those pesky laws of physics. As he gets better acquainted with the item, upgradable abilities may include manipulation of flight path, attacking multiple targets in one throw, and spontaneous generation of three such boomerangs. [u]Personality:[/u] In contrast to the reputation of his people, Cricket is warm and friendly, and just a bit of a showoff. When he’s on the clock, however, he’s all business and no emotion. This has caused people to wonder if he has a split personality, and this is exacerbated by his lack of speech. He adores music, either performing or listening to it. [hider=Brief History:] Cricket was born into a clan of Sheikah, living in secrecy in the forests near Kokiri lands. The two peoples were more than a little wary of each other at first, but over time they came to be allies. The Kokiri helped them adapt to the ways of the forest and attune their skills to their new environment, and in return the Sheikah defended their forest and taught them the ways of stealth and martial prowess. In these hard times, sadly, even the innocent must take up arms from time to time. As generations passed, the two cultures diffused, resulting in a more forest-running and musical clan of Sheikah, skilled in the use of Kokiri tools in addition to their own. Deku staves became an easy to make and use weapon alternative, and deku nuts became a staple product. Cricket received a calling; a bit of wanderlust, if you will. Among his own people, he is just now considered an adult, and as such is allowed to explore the wider world. He is compelled to walk the path of the Hero, such as it is in this day and age, even if the means to the ends aren’t always that heroic (in the classical sense). He believes that there is a great future ahead of him, so long as he follows these compulsions and gut feelings. Curiosity as to where this takes him next drives him forward. [/hider] [u]Personal Goal:[/u] To see what he can see, help where he can help, and bring what he learns back to his people. [u]Three strengths:[/u] 1. Extensive stealth training – [i]Sheikah Rule #1: Don’t be seen, don’t be heard. [/i] 2. Agility Monster – [i]Fast, dexterous little lunatic, Cricket is an accomplished acrobat and is most proficient with short blades and thrown items.[/i] 3. Musically adept – [i]Plays several instruments proficiently, particularly his fiddle. Reads music and can genuinely feel emotion from the notes.[/i] [u]Three weaknesses:[/u] 1. Mute – [i]Cricket cannot or does not speak, for reasons unknown by most outside of his clan.[/i] 2. Race – [i]Sheikah are distrusted by many, and he cannot hide his appearance short of magic.[/i] 3. Apparent Age – [i]Cricket is considered a man by his clan; he is old enough. Unfortunately, he looks like a kid and is often treated as such, even by individuals that can look past his heritage. [/i] [u]Greatest Love:[/u] Good music. Cricket is drawn to it; listening to masterfully composed and performed music is worth as much as gold to him. [u]Hates the most:[/u] People who are unnecessarily cruel to kindly, chirping crickets. Bastards, all of them. [u]Ancestor:[/u] Impa, Sage of Shadows and Royal Guardian Most of the people of Cricket's clan are descended of Impa's family. A few can say they have direct lineage to Impa herself. [u]Companion:[/u] Cricket is accompanied on his adventures by a fairy who goes by the name of Faye. She has noted that Faye is not her real name. Faye and Cricket aren't fast friends just yet; the fairy is compelled to follow him for her own reasons. Having spent a lot of time observing the Shadow Folk; it has influenced her behavior. She is knowledgeable of the world's lore and the creatures within it, often acting as an adviser to young Cricket. And yes, she will shout "Hey! Listen!" when angry or excited. [hider=Fun Facts:] For some odd reason, crickets seem to like him. He will often walk out into a clearing in the dead of night, sit down, and play short chirps rhythmically on his fiddle. A truly remarkable chorus of the little guys respond, creating an awe-inspiring nocturnal symphony. He is rarely without one or two on him, who appear to know when he needs to be quiet. They seem to take care of themselves. It is unknown why this phenomenon occurs, or if he has some kind of unconscious control over them. Regardless of why, it has served no actual practical purpose thusfar, aside from being fairly impressive and a little creepy. It earned him his public name. His birth name revealed only to his clan, maybe a trusted few. Cricket doesn’t speak, communicating with hand gestures, facial expressions, and occasionally his music. He is multi-lingual, being familiar with Sheikah, Hylian, Ancient Hylian, and Sheikah hand signs. Good luck getting him to translate for you, though. Sleeps in trees, rafters, or other high places when possible. [/hider] [u]Inventory:[/u] Kodachi (2), Kunai (8), Deku Nuts (20), Deku Stick, Finely crafted fiddle (in case), Some rations, large blanket, pen, ink, and papers in a scroll case. Oh yeah, Magic Boomerang. Rupees: 50 [hider=Theme song:] "Shadows", by Lindsey Stirling. I try to imagine the percussion done by rhythmically chirping crickets. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGCsyshUU-A[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]