[hider=Vieru The Wind Mage][center]Name: Vieru (Pronounced, Vee, Air, Ooh) Age: 22 Sex: Male Race: Demon Handiness: Right Appearance: [img]http://pre06.deviantart.net/7b4a/th/pre/f/2013/167/2/1/vaati_sheikah_concept_by_krazy_chibi-d6998lv.png[/img] Just ignore the Sheikah symbol. Inheritance: As a descendant of Vaati, Vieru inherited powerful wind magic, with it he can shape the wind many different ways, including sharp blades, strong breezes with which to carry people on, and even small tornados and cyclones. Magic takes energy though, and the big stuff can tire him out. Personality: Calm and quiet. Much more of a listener than a talker. Brave and stubborn, won't give in without a fight. Protective and loyal, a good ally through and through. Despite being a demon and the descendant of a villain, Vieru really is a good guy, just a little misunderstood. Okay maybe a lot misunderstood. Recent history: Vieru has never had a place to call home. He hides during the day, when people are more likely to see him, and travels by night. He avoids towns as much as possible, because people don't respond well to a demon hanging around them. There are several times when he's been attacked just for wandering near a town. Though many don't know, or care to know, he's the one responsible for quite a few monster deaths as he quietly protects the people, even if they don't want his protection. Personal Goal: To one day be accepted by people. Three strengths 1. Long range fighting 2. Sewing 3. Finding places to hide when there doesn't seem to be any Three weaknesses (Not just combat) 1. Fighting in closed in or small spaces 2. Talking to people 3. Due to his nature as a demon, he's weak to light magic. Even outside of battle it makes him nauseous. Greatest Love: His one and only friend, the wind. Hates the most: People who judge others based solely on looks. Misc: Can see nearly perfectly in the dark. Most likely to fall for puppy dog eyes. Theme song: Can't think of one at the moment. Will add later[/center][/hider]