[center][h2][color=Purple][b]The Kingdom of Soroya 1901[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][b]Offer to build a pre-dreadnought[/b][/center] After reviewing a recent offer sent by the Honnerian government, the current minister of foreign trade and diplomacy, Walter Scholte in't Hof, gladly accepted the deal. Official statements on the topic seemed to be entirely focused around the payment for the task, rather than helping out Honneria. He was even clear as to state “this is a simple business trade between two nations, nothing more and nothing less.” [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/df/St._Laurent_and_Walsh_shake_hands.jpg[/img] [i]Official signing of the deal[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]Cruska gun[/b][/center] After the recent completion of the Cruska gun by military theorist Maxwell Cruska, the Soroyan government plans on supplying the army with machine gun weaponry by next year. Nations such as Deltora have already begun looking into the guns production, and in an attempt to further their relations with Deltora have gladly accepted the offer to supply their army to. However they made it clear that this deal can not be discussed further until the weapon has begun production. [center][img]http://photos.imageevent.com/kraigwy/posting/websize/Hotchkiss%20MG.jpg[/img] [i]Cruska Gun, Circa 1901[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b]Black-Gold in the colonies[/b][/center] New’s of possible oil in Flulin reached all of Soroya, as a result many prospectors and businessmen have begun surveying the area around Flulin in hopes of finding more. Though there is no guarantee that more will be found, many citizen’s feel that this could change the entire economic situation for their city. [hr] [center][b]Grand Opening of Kavarri University[/b][/center] Kavarri University the first ever private university in New Soroya had recently opened. The current principal, Justen Veeneman, publically announced that it will accept anyone no matter their nationality or foreign background, so long as they met their academic standards. Following his previous announcement he made it clear that they will begin accepting applications next month, and have student in class by fall of 1901.