[hider=Crop of The Gorons] Name: Crop Age: 25 Sex: Male Race: Goron Handiness: Right [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/a9cb/f/2008/264/8/8/goron_gardener_by_iyce42.jpg[/img] [/hider] Inheritance: Bomb Plants (Calls them his special crop) These grow on his back, and he can pluck them when ever he wants. His hardened skin, (along with a few accidents) have given him some resistances to most forces, such as explosions or sword hits. Magic Items still do normal. Personality: Easy going, Forgiving, very opposite of his bomb for which he loves so much. Recent history: Got into a skirmish with some wolfs while dealing with a volcano. While Gorons did not need to deal with this threat, the wolfs were very scared and Crop helped them, but they got angry for some reason and attacked him, causing a bomb to slip off. That killed one of the wolfs he was trying to help. He felt like he had to make up for it some how. Three strengths (Not just combat) Can swim in lava Master Gardener Dabbles in Potion making Three weaknesses (Not just combat) Scared of big machines He wont go too far in lava for fear his bomb plants might burn away Too loving in some situations Greatest Love: Plants and Bombs Hates the most: Mean people and big machines. [/hider]