William is successful in avoiding and making distance between him and the zombie, although he cannot find a weapon. There's now a good five feet between them, with his back to the stairs. Brenner arrives just as William moves away from the zombie. Emmett's charge isn't as successful. While he did manage to hit the zombie, he only hit its jaw. With an audible crack, this crushes and dislocates the jaw. The force of the hit causes the zombie to turn his head towards the direction of the innkeeper. The innkeeper is now on the ground, sitting, supported by his arms as if he lost the strength from his legs. While he is a few feet away from the zombie, he is still in danger as the zombie has him on its sight. The zombie attempts to pounce on the still in shock innkeeper. [hider=My Hider] Sorry guys, hopefully you're still here lol. The upstairs characters don't seem to be. [/hider]