[center][h1]Quetzalcoatl, [sub][s]The Lion's Den[/s][/sub] Freya's Apartment, Seattle[/h1][/center] Sometime after Freya's drifting off into slumberland, Quetzal began to stir in the living room. It wasn't long before the man awoke, his eyes opening slowly as he felt the warmth of the fire on his face. He lay there for a while, taking in his surroundings with some confusion as he found himself in yet another unfamiliar place with no idea how he arrived. He was beginning to think the previous sequence of events were but a dream. Then he tried to move. A sharp cry of agony tore through the house, followed soon by a string of words in a language that he had no idea how he knew it, but felt so natural to roll of his tongue, even if the words had spoke made him feel ashamed of himself for some reason. He was able to slowly rise to his feet, though he couldn't stop the hiss of pain from escaping his lips as he held his sides, feeling his bruised ribs and letting out another, quieter string of curses. [i]I know I'm lucky to get away with just done bruising, but fuck if it doesn't hurt like hell.[/i] Once he felt like he'd regained enough strength, he began to walk around the apartment, curious to find a clue as to how he arrived here. Eventually, he'd come to the bedroom, which he felt bad for intruding but felt it was necessary to ascertain his current predicament. But still, he didn't want to be rude, so he painfully lifted his hand to ring out three solid knocks on the door. "Hello, anybody in there? If so, please speak up. After knocking, he'd wait to hear a response for a small amount of time, Quetzal would walk right in, going he wasn't about to regret this decision. [@CandiBarr]