[hider]Name: Rima Torotos Age: 22 Sex: Male Race: Hylian Handiness: Right Appearance: [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121015125736/fireemblem/images/e/ef/Rolf_en.png[/img] Inheritance: Dominion Rod Personality: Easy to frighten, and fairly unsure of himself. Recent history: Rima grew up in a small town that had cropped up not far from Ordon that had a much greater focus on hunting than that of its neighbor. The two became trading partners, naturally, and all the better for it. However, that isn’t particularly important as Rima was always much more interested in histories and lore. Due to his being in a small village, however, he didn’t exactly have a lot of historical tomes on-hand. So, he had to put up with having to learn to hunt until he had made enough money to be able to go to castle town. It made him a decent archer, enough so to deal with anything he met on the road, but he never really was as good as most other people from his village his age. Once he had gone to Castle Town, he managed to find a job at a library that payed just enough to live in a crappy apartment. With a roommate. Personal Goal: To one day be a great Loremaster Three strengths: 1. Decent-ish Archer 2. Knows a bit of ancient lore 3. Diligent Three weaknesses (Not just combat) 1. Glutton 2. Can’t hold a drink 3. Clumsy Greatest Love: Books Hates the most: Blood Misc: Most likely to interrupt a monologue to correct grammar. Theme music: N/A[/hider]