Everything was running smoothly at first. Zero and Leviathan ventured away from the safety of Isis' cover fire to seek out the last of the civilians. Things went downhill pretty quick almost as soon as Mr. Freeze appeared. Leviathan struck first, or at least, he attempted to. Freeze set off a grenade of some kind that froze most of Leviathan's left arm. That just left the two of them, and from here, things happened in what felt like an eternity of time. Zero also tried to go on the offensive, hoping he could maybe catch Freeze off guard while the villain's attention was on Leviathan. Zero wasn't that lucky, however, because Freeze spotted him a mile away opened fire with his primary weapon, the Freeze Gun. His shots, all three of them, hit their mark and Zero was frozen in place, appearing like an ice sculpture of himself. "All too easy." he said in his ice-cold tone. He started to return his attention to Leviathan but a peculiar sound made him stop. He raised an eyebrow with curiosity as cracks began rapidly spreading around the ice encasing Zero until it exploded off of him. Even more surprising, this turned into a controlled blast that forced most of the icy shrapnel in Freeze's general direction. Of course, his suit was plenty strong enough to withstand the blast, "...Intriguing." was all he had to say in response. Once free, Zero went on the attack again. This time, his escape from Freeze's ice blast gave him the element of surprise, albeit briefly. Still, that was all he needed. He lunged at Freeze with a fist of his own, however this one became covered in thick, tough ice to reinforce it as it collided with Freeze's glass helmet. Of all of Batman's rogues, Mr. Freeze was the one Zero had studied the most for obvious reasons. He didn't know everything, but from what he understood, defeating Freeze could be as simple compromising the protection of his suit, since it was the only thing keeping him alive in any non-arctic environment. And although he managed to hit Freeze as hard as he could muster, he didn't break the glass. Of course, Freeze offered no time for a second attack. In fact, now that Zero was in close range, Freeze reached an armored hand out, grabbing the young Titan and tossing him aside. As a follow-up, Freeze pulled the pin on an ice grenade and threw it straight at Zero. Perhaps a more powerful ice blast would be enough to put his young opponent on ice. Zero refused to let himself fall for the same trick twice, "Oh no you don't!" he thrust his hands out and a wall of ice rose in front him to catch the grenade. When it detonated, the freeze blast was redircted backwards, though unfortunately it was too far away from Freeze to be a danger to him. "Your powers, though strikingly similar to my own technology, seems limited by your own physical stamina. My weapons, however, have no such limits. You're a fool if you think you can outlast me in a dragged out battle." Freeze taunted, though in his usual cold tone, so it sounded less like a taunt and more like a cold assertion. "You're right, I don't stand a chance on my own." as Zero spoke, he conjured himself the biggest hammer he could swing, "But that never stopped Robin!" he started running forward, "AND IT WON'T! STOP! ME!"