The snapping of twigs that littered the ground below her feet and the heavy foot falls of multiple steps pushed her further, fighting any pain she might have felt since she didn't know what the people behind her were like or what they could want from her. She decided to take the risk, glancing back for a split moment to see how far behind her pursuers were or even how many there might be so she was prepared for whatever fight might lay ahead. This sadly presented a problem since she had stopped paying attention to that before her and as her legs continued to move, she ended up rushing into another person at full speed which caused them both to tumble to the orchard floor behind some overgrown brush. Lily was about to push off the stranger quickly, fearing that she had run into one of the very people she was trying to escape but the others hands were faster. A strong hand now covering her mouth, preventing any noise from her to be heard which cause her to panic and her hand flew to her hip as she thought of the sword there. It wasn't much but it was all she had for a defense and could be enough to ward another off but that plan flew out the window the second she felt the cold of steel at her throat. She leaned her head back a bit more, trying to avoid the blade as she clamped her eyes shut as she was now captured and at the mercy of the other beneath her. One hand by the sword and the other pinned in such a way the it would be difficult to move in any way without being cut. She listened carefully, the rustling getting closer and stopping only for a moment before continuing onward and still the stranger did nothing but hold her at blade point which meant this person had nothing to do with the people after her or they didn't want to notify the others for a different reason which at this point wasn't looking to good either. Lily suddenly feel the point of the blade leave her neck, making her want to shoot up and way from the other but she wasn't left much of a chance as the person switched their positions causing her bright blue eyes to snap open once more from fright and being startled by the sudden action. She didn't know what she had expected the stranger to be like or look like but this had not been it. She took a moment to stare at the man above her, carefully taking in his look as he did her and feeling just as curious. He had her trapped, yet he did not harm her and it seemed that he had only done what he had earlier to keep her silent enough so they would both not be spotted but then why was he doing what he was doing now. There were too many questions and not enough answers...maybe this was something she had to get used too. They seemed enchanted for a moment and while the spell lasted she noticed and saw much about her savoir and or capture, not sure of which to call him yet. The body laying on top of her own was thin but was not to be fooled for the lean muscle was clearly present. The man's face spoke of slyness even a hint of mischief but looks were deceiving in her opinion. She needed to look at his eyes, wanting to see what she would find there in the depths that would speak volumes of his soul. It was as if she had done this more than once, to many people...wanting to know what it was inside them for looks mattered not. What she found was that unique deep red that showed curiosity at the moment but the mischief was there still and even the the danger that was just beyond the surface. He would not be one to be trifled with and if his whole demeanor wasn't a clue than his eyes spoke in volumes. He was dangerous, intimidating and a warning to all but to her she felt no fear or any need to heed the warning. [i]You have walked along with Death and Darkness many a time before why should you fear it...[/i] That was the thought that rang in her head before a chuckle pulled her from her mind, causing her to blink a bit as whatever had been before broke and he stood. She was free once more, her body adjusting to the lack of the others warmth as the man before her offered out his hand. She reached her hand out to his, hovering for a second over his own before gently placing her hand upon his and carefully using him to help her stand back onto her own to feet. A grin was painted on the strangers face as his head tilted in the direction the bandits had been before their little mishap and she frown a bit at the thought of the bandits. "Definitely not. It seems fate likes to play a hand in everything and today the outcome has been well at least where this matter is concerned." she answered softly before continuing to speak,"It is a pleasure to meet you, Jayden." "My name is..." [i]Persephone[/i] She stopped mid sentence, her brow furrowing a bit at the name that popped into her head that moment. Why did that name feel so completely right? It was like it was a piece of her very being where as Lily had sounded lovely but not right in the slightest. What was the reasoning for this? Why did she have two names? Which was real and which wasn't? Were they both right? It was all too confusing... "My name is Lily. Thank you for helping me even though I basically slammed you to the ground."