[center][b][color=darkred][h1]Vatanno-Galvia 1901[/h1][/color][/b][/center] [hr] [b]Archive 3021[/b]: The Imperial Accord Vatanno-Galvian Newspaper April 23rd Release [b][center][h3]Prime Minister Shot While Leaving His Home By Numerian Nationalist[/h3][/center][/b] [b]Galvian Prime Minister David Vanelli was shot leaving his home in Monda by a Numerian Nationalist, April 21, 1901.[/b] Prime Minister David Vanelli of Galvia was shot while leaving his home by Kadjeek Petrik, a Numerian nationalist. Kadjeek Petrik has been identified as the perpetrator and is taken into custody. He is sentenced to be hanged in the Galvian grand square in October 12th. In response to the assassination attempt, Emperor Petris Varelli has ordered an investigation under the crown and a special force directly under the control of Numeria's governer, Demis Kotrevo, was deployed to quell any insurrection. A detachment of the Vatanno-Galvian Royal Army has also been sent to the city to root out possible accomplices of Kadjeek Petrik as well as other nationalist instigators. Prime Minister Vanelli is alive and well and is set to fully recover in a few weeks accroding to his personal physicians. [hr] [b][center][h2]The Wolf and the Hawk[/h2][/center][/b] Vatanno-Galvia had always been a land power with its navy severely lacking and ignored for the most part. That was before the wolf and the hawk decided on a trade deal. Vatanno-Galvia had produced 50,000 Mannicher Model 65 rifles for the sole purpose of trading them off towards Zellonia. In return, Zellonia would allow Vatanno-Galvia to build ships at her dockyards for a reduced cost. Some in both Vatannia and Galvia viewed this deal as little more than a bid to win Zellonia as a possible friend on Varium. Emperor Petris Varelli was convinced that the Empire's navy was key to keeping her holdings safe. While Vatanno-Galvia received a large chuck of budget from its factories in Vatannia, its coastal trade could not be ignore. A simple blockage of any of its port towns could see the empire lose wealth or a region of the empire go into famine. The revitalization of Vatanno-Galvia's navy was under way.