It was truly shocking to Star, the violence, the [i]resistance[/i], to him wanting to warm these cold souls. Why weren’t they grateful? How could they stand being in such a miserable state? [color=f26522][i]Pervert? New word. Explode her arm in an orifice? I haven’t heard those words either, would the Coldest be impressed? Wait exploding? Won’t her arm exploding hurt?[/i][/color] thoughts whipped through his mind without pause as all these cold people fussed over called missions, or the fact he warmed people. This place lacked any logic to Star and he frowned as he tried to make sense of this before he responded to Eiko. [color=f26522]“You are a violent person and not the smartest. Lightbulbs are a fake warm, nothing like the real warm. No comfort from them, but you still deserve warm. I will warm you one day.” [/color]noticing Lucille exit with a new umbrella Star hesitated in wanting to follow since he lacked the means to warm her. While hesitating a woman’s voice spoke to him about wanting to ask him something. Tilting his head he stared with his full blue eyes and tried to make sense of her. She seemed warmer than the others, not brilliant like he is or the others he warmed, but it put her lower on his priority list. The Coldest was his priority. [color=f26522]“Ask? I’m not the best at answering...” [/color]his wings gently fluttering as he stared back at this lady, his head straightening as he was struck by an idea, naively believing that only he could have come up with it [color=f26522]"If you teach me more words, better words, I can try answering... your name?”[/color] [@KoL]