[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/1/1d/The_Immortal_Iron_Fist_(2007).png/revision/latest?cb=20130523002657[/img][/center] [b]March 20th, 2005 New York City Chinatown 10:24 PM[/b] Danny Rand had expected death at the shredding claws and fangs of the wolf-demon out for his blood, so it came as quite a shock to him a few moments later that he wasn't bleeding out on the entirely different rooftop he was suddenly lying on. [color=A6A6A6]“The night’s young, but let’s not go to sleep just yet.”[/color] Before Danny can respond to the girl pulling his butt out of the fire with his usual grace and charm, White Tiger is already flying back across the rooftops and engaging in a duel with the [i]yaoguai[/i]. It still took Danny a minute to shake off the fear and paralysis that had gripped him, but now that the initial shock was past and his new ally was fighting for her life without him years of conditioning and motivation stirred within him. He was a Living Weapon, a warrior trained for a decade in the Heavenly City of K'un-L'un! Even with a demon spun from the stuff of his nightmares confronting him, how could he allow himself to lie here cowering in fear? No, Danny would never stand aside while another battled the forces of darkness alone. He would never let what had happened to his father that day happen again. Danny stood, centered his breathing and leaped back across the gap at full, qi-enhanced speed. As it happened he had acted just in time because White Tiger was so intent upon her fight with the wolf spirit that she had no room to deal with the black-eyed cultists, one of whom had a wicked looking shadowy axe raised high to chop into her back as two others moved to flank her from the side, their eyes wetly gleaming pools of oil in the moonlight. Danny Rand came down upon them light lightning from the gods. He struck the first one with the heel of his foot in a perhaps overly flashy high-flying axe kick, his full weight focused into the kick and crashing down into the slavering cultist's back as he fell to the rooftop. Using qi to dampen the strain of the impact and speed his movements Danny dashed forward and to the side, stepping inside a second cultist's swing of what looked like a machete or a big dao with too many spiky bits to be practical, intercepting the hacking motion before redirecting it into a normally impossible qi-amped throw over the dueling forms of the Wolf and Tiger and into the murderer on their opposite flank to sprawl in a heap of limbs. Three down in the space of a few moments...and a lot more to go. Meanwhile, the wolf demon was taken aback by White Tiger's furious assault, faced with an opponent with both powerful qi and animal savagery to match its' own it found itself at a stalemate, if not outright taking more hits than it gave. [color=slategray]"You...the blood scent is not Rrrrrand'kai, but you do not feel like prrrey...Still, we will kill you, and then have Rrrrand'Kai's lifeblood!"[/color] It dug both sets of claws into the ground and then launched itself forward at blurring speed, an aura of painful cold seeping out of it as its moved surprisingly gracefully into a double spear-hand thrust with both arms, its gleaming claws aiming to disembowel the masked girl.