Alex frowned a little at the such weak and quiet voice. She looked and sounded so sick. So... like she was just going to break like fragile glass at any moment. Glancing a little away at the question, she pondered how to answer it but ended up just blurting out what she honestly thought. The red head wasn't known to be much of a liar after all. [color=red]"Lonely.... but I'm glad to see you."[/color] she answered, forcing a soft smile in return to Naisha's. Nodding a little as Naisha pointed out Alex's more clear wording. [color=red]"Yeah, she's been teaching me a lot of things. Though I don't think cooking will ever be one of my skills."[/color] she chuckled softly. When Naisha cried out, Alex frowned and reached out and grabbed the barely moving hand. Intertwining their fingers gingerly. Listening as Naisha cried and apologized. The younger but taller girl shook her head, reaching with her free hand to wipe at the tears. Feeling her own start to water, despite her efforts to be strong and not to cry. Tough girls don't cry... but didn't feel all that strong at the moment. [color=red]"I-It's okay... It's not your fault... Even... Even if you can't climb or jump or run... I'm still here for you. Always. So it's okay... as long as we're together. If we're together... I'm happy."[/color] she said, her voice shaking a little, her hand instinctively tightening around Naisha's hand, as if the sickly girl would disappear if she let go.