[color=ed1c24][center][h2][b]Red Hawk[/b][/h2][/center][/color] [center][b]Where : [/b]Gattan [b]Who : [/b]Salamanders[/center] [b]"...We have a responsibility as the largest and strongest race to protect the others, and act as the Guardian nation of Alfheim Online. Under my Leadership the Salamanders will gain respect for not only their power, but their honor and courage. A little over a month ago we were trapped in this game of death, and today each race selects a Leader that they believe is best suited to guiding them back to the real wod. As the strongest race, we have the responsibility of breaking the others free of this virtual prison... however, first we must develop unity and trust. This, we create today. Each candidate has their own opinions on how it is to be done, but we are of one cause. We only ask that you select your leader from us wisely, and with much consideration. Hail Salamanders, Saviors of Alfheim!"[/b] Red Hawk walked across the small stage, ignoring the loud conversing in the crowd. He had more worrisome things in mind. In truth, it didn't matter which candidate was chosen. They had all taken a hand in planning one central system; a task that would have been monumental alone. What differed between them was merely policy and opinion. His head ached from the last few days, and sleepless nights, working with his peers to fix this mess. Red Hawk passed out of the large courtyard as the next candidate began, quickly skirting some smaller alleys to avoid the majority of the crowd. Then he sat down at a large bench, leaning his head back and closing his eyes with a sigh. Now he had only to wait for the election to end. Then work would truly begin, one way or another.