[@Madly33] Kael would nod quickly "that's it! there was something about one of the nomad leaders getting angry hearing about this group.. and very much insisted to, I believe it was the king, that they are to have one of us in it. In order to assess the situations and make sure no beast of the wild is needlessly killed when it could be saved without causing any other causalities" he states. Abnormals may be few in numbers but their still a force to be reckoned with, for they could cause a monster attack if they was outraged enough. A huge monster attack, unlike some random attack. Kael would rub back of his head "..and then i received a letter telling me I should come here.. Guess someone though that one was to be me" he says "Not to sure why they choose me, I'm just some novice learning magic" he tells Vulcarion. "then again the letter did say.. in exchanged for my services I could have assistance in improving my skills." he states and shrugs.