Old, is that what they called him? Yes yes it was, Pembroke was probably the oldest player in Alfheim currently, with all this election nonsense it only made sense to make the most experienced Leprechaun out of all of them their head. What he meant was that fact that most people already agreed with the fact that he was fit to lead, meaning he was the favorite in the elections. Probably due to the fact that he heavily supported the idea of being democractic without bloodshed. and also believed in the idea of a trade union benefiting all races and causing the Pucas Gnomes and Leprechauns to become the Workshop of the world. Pembroke walked outside of his Inn room his eyes glossing over at the share amount of leprechauns in the Inn, they all supported him one way or another. What could Pembroke say really, an old Smith whom is also a beta tester. It just bore semblance to a leader. He wouldn't say he was the greatest Artificer either. probably cause the artificers where on the short side, since it was a much more complex process then smithing, and was more expensive to boot. But enough Dilly dally it was time for the Election processing and Pembroke walked out onto that stage with the other candidates, they each got one last speech, one last ditch effort to prove to the crowds if they where failing or with one speech permanently seal their place... either way it could change it up. And so up went the first hopeful, a beautiful woman no doubt whom also knew how to mettle a blade. Sadly she wasn't very good at the whole politics thing. so She stood no chance and the crowd didn't even murmur. Up stood the other hopeful, he was a business man in real life, and a slick talker, but he only had money in his best interests so although he got a few cheers from the crowd it was nothing threatening. Pembroke stood up and he walked to the center of the stage and cleared his throat.