[@Dynamo Frokane] I doubt it was indirected. The only person who can [i]truly[/i] determine whether or not you're spread thin is you. I'm sure we don't all have the same amount of free time. Just as a general heads up, I do expect everyone involved to check this roleplay and post accordingly every 2 days at minimum. If more time then that is needed, I'm fine with that as long as I'm notified. Just let me know you're working on it or if you have a rough estimate of when your post will be up and it's fine. I'm not big on posting orders. I expect everyone to know not to speed post and communicate if there's a particular post they would really like to reply first to. Inevitably there will be times when we're all hung up on one person, however-- so those times are when it's most important to let me know if extra time is needed. I [b]abhor[/b] puppeting other people's characters, but I will do so if necessary. If it ever does come to that, I can promise not to take my rage out on the character. I tend to puppet as minimally as I can. "With all the commotion, Sir Flakes-a-lot realized his bladder was at maximum capacity and proceeded, without a word, towards the nearest house at an alarmingly fast pace."