[hider=Sam Clarke] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Samuel Clarke[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Sam, Renegade, KINGFISHER FALCON[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]34[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]6’0”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]190 lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]Knightdale Rows[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dark brown[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]English, Mexican, Cherokee, though he is still caucasian. [/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT] Sam is a decently handsome individual. He’s strong-looking, with broad shoulders, a barrelled chest, and chiseled abs. His skin is tanned from spending long hours outside. Sam’s right bicep has a tattoo of the American flag on it. Around said flag are the words “Don’t tread on me.” On the upper right side of his chest is a tattoo of a Mendel NEST badge. Around the badge are seven names, presumably of Sam’s friends who died in combat. The badge is tattooed over a bullet scar. Sam’s head is rectangular, long with a sharp jawline. He’s got slightly larger-than-average ears and an average nose. His hair is a dark brown and is combed in a fade, with the top combed back and the sides shaved down to a buzz, like that of a european footballer. Sam has a wide mouth and a smile of mostly cleverly-disguised false teeth, especially along the right side of his lower jaw. His eyes are brown and his eyebrows are dark and tough-looking. Sam generally walks with his chest puffed out and his head scanning around him. He seems confident in his posture, but yet his eyes are always darting around behind his aviators, looking to see if he’s being watched. His voice is low and intense-sounding, with a definite southern drawl. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]On-duty: When on-duty, Sam wears full NEST KINGFISHER tactical gear, which essentially looks like full police tac gear and a helmet that looks like a less-bulky black motorcycle helmet. The gear is reinforced at vital spots with Dragonskin, a kevlar-like material which can stop most ballistic weapons. As it is armor designed to fight metas, it is equipped to handle several common meta threats. The armor is insulated from electricity, is fireproof up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, and is shock-resistant, reducing the amount of damage taken from physical attacks (though if anything with super strength hits him, he’s still going to feel it). On the shoulders of his gear are patches displaying the NEST KINGFISHER badge. Since Sam is a NEST agent and might be seeing a good bit of combat, I’ll describe his weaponry here. Sam’s go-to gun is a nickel-plated Glock 22 with a modified 20-round magazine. This weapon he keeps on him at all times, even when he’s not in-uniform. When fighting, he screws a silencer onto the gun. When he’s on a mission, Sam also carries with him the Beretta ARX 160, an automatic carbine. The gun is designed to fire 5.56×45mm NATO ammunition (what an M16 generally fires), but Sam generally loads the gun instead with magazines containing Praetoriphor capsules, though in NEST circles said substance goes by the more foreboding name of Serum 17. Serum 17 is a gaseous serum which targets and destroys cells with atypical human DNA. It was originally designed as a cancer treatment (known as Praetoriphor) but a scientist working in the Wright Institute in Mendel, Louisiana altered it to be used as an aerosol weapon against metas. Exposure to the serum causes chemical burns, severe pain, and weakening of physical defenses (biological armors of any kind). The serum is nonfatal, however. Sam also carries a basic combat knife with him. Off-Duty: Sam’s off-duty attire is generally jeans, a tee shirt of some kind, and his trademark blue aviators. He wears a gold wedding band on his left hand (he always wears this, but when on duty his gloves conceal it) and around his neck he wears a bullet on a chain (also on when he’s on-duty). Said bullet was taken from his chest when he was shot on-duty during the Mendel Gang War. He never takes it off. When it gets cold, Sam wears a denim jacket and jeans. When he’s in the office (so working but not fighting) he wears a charcoal grey suit with a white shirt and a grey tie. The suit coat is fortified with kevlar at critical points (chest, lapels, spine) and has a holster for his Glock 22 on the inside left pocket. [/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Sam is a tough warrior of a guy who’s just beginning to settle down into a normal life. He’s generally a confident (maybe a little over-confident) and mentally-tough guy, doing whatever he needs to do to get the job done. You can accuse Sam of many things, but being a coward is not one of them. Sam puts his life on the line time and time again. He’s known to be pretty reckless in battle, and were it not for his power he probably would’ve died years ago. He’s as loyal as he is brave. Being more of a follower than a leader, he will generally listen to commands and has trust that whoever is in power knows what they’re doing. Over the years Sam has gained a great deal of pride, however, and he will not do other people’s dirty work. Sam generally tries to stick to the plan, but on a few occasions his reckless nature has caused him to go all Leeroy Jenkins on a mission. Sam’s not some ideal hero, however. He’s a workaholic, first and foremost, and worse than that he often uses work to avoid problems back home. He took the Verthaven job to attempt to escape his marital problems, which are becoming quite troublesome on his mind. While he is fearless when facing the barrel of a gun or the fire of a metahuman, Sam isn’t quite so courageous when it comes to family matters. Sam’s family in itself has definitely taken the edge off of the old Falcon. He can’t really be as reckless as he used to be because he has a wife and a kid to come back to now. This makes him hesitant, especially when in a highly-dangerous situation where hesitance could spell failure. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Being a dad now, Sam has begun to enjoy more dad-esque things such as fishing and grilling. He absolutely will not do golf, however, and any friend of his who offers him a game of golf knows that they’re in for a facefull. Sam smokes cigars a lot, and is quite a cigar aficionado, though with the kid around he’s begun to stop smoking as much. When his buddies are in town, Sam will hang out with them and share a beer or two, though he generally doesn’t drink unless in a group. On clear nights, he will go out for a drive with his Harley. Sam’s music is generally rock, and his favorite bands are Foo Fighters, AC/DC, Shinedown, Bon Jovi, and Avenged Sevenfold. He’s begun to listen to country some as well, and it’s not uncommon for Sam to be listening to Toby Keith or Kenny Chesney. He watches Sportcenter a lot. His favorite football team is the Cowboys and his favorite baseball team is the Rangers. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Well let’s get all the combat out of the way before we talk about normal things. Being an elite member of an elite squadron of NEST, you don’t generally want to get in a fight with Sam. He is trained in military hand-to-hand combat. Having once been a boxer in high school and college, he has fairly good feet and throws one hell of a jab. He is a master marksman on the Glock 22 (it means he passed the highest level of accuracy qualifications) and is fairly accurate on the rifle as well, though he’s still training to get marksman status for it. He’s fast too. Sam’s certainly not as quick as he used to be, but he can still outrun your average goon. Aside from fighting, Sam’s decent at many things, but he’s not really good at things which don’t require punching or kicking. He’s handy around the house, meaning that he knows how to change a lightbulb or install appliances. He knows his way around a toolbox, but he’s no carpenter. When he was a kid, Sam was in a band, and he still remembers how to play guitar, though he has only just recently begun to practice it again. Sam is also good with a barbecue, and makes the best pulled pork you’ve ever eaten, an old family recipe. He’s a master at Cornhole. [/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]He used to say the bullet around his neck, but now he’s a grownup so he feels required to say “my family”. [/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT] “Time to watch me disappear.” [/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Sam was born in the suburbs of Houston, Texas. He was born into a military family, with a father who fought in Grenada and the Gulf War, an uncle who served in Vietnam (his uncle was actually a helicopter door gunner in ‘Nam, possibly the most dangerous job you could have) and a grandfather who served in World War II. As such, he spent his childhood listening to war stories. Though his father was in the military, the family didn’t move around very much, though Sam did spend a few years at Quantico in Virginia. When For the entirety of his childhood, Sam Clarke wanted to be a United States Marine, just like his father. In high school, he played football and was an all-star linebacker (which in Texas is saying something), and he was captain of his school’s ROTC. He was all set; at his mother’s request, he would attend Texas A&M on a football scholarship and do Navy ROTC so that once he got out he could enlist. However, just as he was about to go to college, the government enacted Proclamation 18: a law which outlawed metahumans in the US military. Now Sam knew about his power since he was young. One night when he was ten, Sam’s house was broken into while he was sitting in the living room. He was so terrified that he turned invisible, and later his parents walked around the room trying to find him as he cried. He had never really cared much about his powers, though, and rarely used them. Knowing how much discrimination metas were put under, his parents never told anyone that their son was a meta, and Sam never told anyone either, not even his best friends. But not telling people wouldn’t get you through a genetic test. Sam was denied entrance to Texas A&M’s ROTC. He was crushed, and nearly failed out of school. He came with the news to his father; his father just told him how much of a disappointment he was. Crushed, Sam dropped out of school and turned into a bum for a year or so, sitting around and drinking, wallowing in his own self-pity. Then a friend of his took him to Mendel, Louisiana, and introduced him to NEST. Immediately, Sam decided that he was going to join them. With their help, he got into Mendel University and got a degree in criminal justice. On the side, he worked with the Wright Institute Power Training Initiative (WIPTI), which trained him how to use his powers properly. After graduating college and the Wright Institute, Sam began NEST training, which lasted two years. Due to his football and boxing when he was young, Sam was very talented at hand-to-hand combat, and his powers made him even more effective. For about three years, he patrolled as a normal member of NEST, and quickly showed himself to be an excellent warrior. Then, in 2005, the Mendel Gang War began. The Vanguard lieutenant known as Black Mamba was murdered by a member of the Skulls known as Jack Frost, and a war broke out which would last about six years. Sam was instrumental in the fight against the gangs, and at the fever pitch of the war in 2010, he was promoted to KINGFISHER, an elite unit of NEST designed to combat metahuman gang violence. Using a combination of his powers and deep-cover operation as a member of the Skulls, KINGFISHER was able to topple the gang and put the leader of the Skulls, a bloke who went by the name Skeleton, behind bars in a maximum-security prison designed specifically to combat his power. Sam himself killed one of Skeleton’s lieutenants, known as Diablo. The battle took its toll on KINGFISHER, however, and five of its fourteen agents were killed. This was the battle when Sam was shot, and the bullet around his neck is the one that was taken from his chest. This pretty much ended the gang war, and ever since NEST has been attempting to hunt down the leader of the Vanguard, who disappeared after her home was attacked by a KINGFISHER strike. Now that Sam was thirty, he figured that it was time to settle down. He got a desk job as a high-level analyst for KINGFISHER, got married relatively quickly, and now has a three-year-old son. Recently, he’s been having some problems with his family. His wife wants him to be home more often, and the pressures of being a father are taking a toll on him. So he decided to take a job in Verthaven with a few other KINFISHERs, an operation aimed to stop the war between the Red Crowns and the Iron Cross. Little does Sam know, however, that a much worse threat is about to terrorize Verthaven. [/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT] SgtMaj. Daniel Clarke - Father - 61 Carla Clarke - Mother - 60 Capt. James Clarke - Uncle - 65 (the older) Sam Clarke - Grandfather - Deceased Miranda Clarke - Wife - 31 Sam Clarke Jr - Son - 2 ½ Bravo - Dog (German Shepherd) - 6 [/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b][/b] | [b][/b] | [b][/b] | [i]""[/i] |[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System Biological [/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][i]Invisibility:[/i] You can’t hit what you can’t see. Sam Clarke has the ability to bend light around him, causing himself to become completely invisible. When his power is activated, he becomes impossible to pick up with the naked eye and motion sense technology. In addition to this, since Sam bends light around himself, he is invisible to thermal cameras as well as night vision of any kind. Sam has the ability to cause any object touching him to also become invisible, though the largest thing which he’s done this with is a ten-year-old boy. Through training, Sam has learned how to use his power so well that he can independently cause different parts of his body to disappear, allowing him to, for example, cause his leg to turn invisible as he’s kicking, making it harder for enemies to dodge. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]As with all things, there is a time limit to how long Sam can stay invisible. The most that he’s done in one sitting is two-and-a-half hours, and by the end he was incredibly exhausted. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Vibrations, primarily. Intense vibrations cause Sam to shake so much that he becomes visible temporarily. This prevents him from turning invisible while on his motorcycle, and also causes him to flicker into appearance for a split second every time he fires his gun (this, as you will see, is both a weakness and a strength) and when he’s running particularly quickly/bumping into things. This means that Sam must become at least visible for a split second when fighting, making it easier for enemies to identify him. Secondly, while others cannot see Sam, Sam can’t see himself when invisible either. This means that in order to prevent himself from being an uncoordinated mess, he has to have [i]very[/i] good kinesthetic awareness. If he’s distracted, he could literally forget where he is and hurt himself. This also presents a problem with aiming. While Sam has memorized where he keeps his guns, he cannot see down a sight that is invisible. This is where his vibration weakness comes in handy slightly. Sam has learned how to aim in the intervals between shots, allowing him to see the gun at the same time that his enemies see him. On the first shot, however, Sam might as well be blind, and he is absolutely dreadful at shooting from the hip. Thirdly, Sam is not immune to certain forms of detection. Pressure plates, for example, will still trip when he steps on them, and telepaths can sense his brainwaves. If Sam is discovered, his powers give him no protection from a well-placed bullet. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Sam rides a black Harley Davidson XL883 Sportster motorcycle, which he will occasionally use on missions. Sam also owns a black 2013 Chevy Silverado with a ram bar on the front. It doubles as an undercover police car, and contains a NEST scanner as well as sirens. [hider=The Pretender by Foo Fighters][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4OnAwaDVTE[/youtube][/hider][/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][/INDENT] [/hider]