[b][u]James[/u][/b] "[b]What's your name?[/b]" James let out a chuckle from his lips, turning to face the young brunette once again and flash her a smile. " I guess, I need to try harder on my rep. James. James DiAndre." The dark haired brute was going to inform the dark princess, they had meet before when the ground shook causing the two to lose balance. Instinctively, James pulled her into him and pushed her up against the wall, using his body as a shield to the incoming assault. His body was aching to the touch, his muscles scream out from the discomfort that ran through him. James glance around them, the moment the school stood still and pulled away from Shay once he felt all was well. JAmes let out a hiss as a piercing pain jolted up to his arm. A thick, flat piece of concrete was rooted into his palm and exiting out the back of his hand. "[b]Sorry![/b]" " Are you ok?" He questioned her, ignoring the last bit that came from her mouth. "[b]What the hell was that? Are there earthquakes here?[/b]" " Add it to the list to all the fucked up shit going down," With involuntary twitch of his fingers, the small slab of earth detached itself and floated in the air before dropping back down. A few beads of crimson dripped from the but on his hand. Focusing on his breathing, his mind was still reeling from the events of what just happened. James was flushed, short of breath, and practically having to lean against the wall of the hall to keep his knees from buckling underneath him. [i]I...I-I m-made..I couldn't.[/i] " The Headmaster must have something for such emergencies." For the next few minutes, the two walked in silence until they reached the openly wide dark oak door, printed in gold letters; Headmaster's Office. James strolled inside to find the place empty. Taking a sit behind the desk of the famous prick, that made most of the students' life in Coates Academy hell. He stared upon the opened page of the computer's screen. It appeared as if someone was reading their mail. James clicked to enlarge the mail, stating the following: [i]Dear Headmaster Eric Sweets[/i] [i] I am pleased to inform you that your school is hereby accepted to the new Juvenile Delinquency Program of San Perdido Beach. The residents of San Perdido will be happy to know that the "trouble" students will no longer be hazard to the community. It will keep the students more protected and will have the professional help they need, in order to live a normal life. Coates Academy will turn into the respected school it deserved to be by the end of the summer. Thank you, and congratulations. Sincerely, Mayor Victor Hartz [/i] " They are sending us off," each of word left his lips, oozed with hatred. It appears his mother had send her blessings along with the many other parents. " We have been sold like cattle." A slow, dark smile clouded over James' face while a silence following which many would have taken for being fearful. Reality, it was more of an awakening for the bad boy. It was time to fight back, even if they were criminals in their eyes. It was time, to show his true colors. Standing up without another word, he exited the expensive office. Thump, Thump, Thump. Blood rushing through ears, air into lungs, feet smacking the pavement…and nothing else. Adrenaline. At this moment, nothing felt better than that natural drug pulsing through his veins. And, the eerie power energy emit from underneath him. He was part of her and she was part of him. It was a power growing within him. It was him. He was the one who made the slab of earth float. It was him, and now it was up to him to lead Coates into the brighter future. Screams echo down the corridor once the couple was close by the cafeteria. James shot a look over at Shay before breaking into a run. The doors of the cafeteria opened, James took a step inside to notice the ill sight of his friend. The dull throb in his stomach had lessened slightly since, but he could still feel it within him. James stayed still for several seconds, not moving even a muscle as he concentrated. And then, beneath his eyelids, his eyes flashed a burnt orange color. He brought his arms forward and up in two uppercut-style movements, causing a huge mound of earth to erupt in front of him. He didn’t stop there, though – eyes open now, he rushed forwards and delivered a powerful kick to the bottom of one of the massive pillars, supporting the floor above, causing the bottom part to break off and fly straight into Atlas. With a wave of his hand, the ground beneath began to shake and crumble, creating a hole. The missing piece of earth shot out of the hole, wrapping itself around the wounded Altas. Altas' body disappeared under the grip of the earth, only his head peering out from the dirt prison. His eyes reverted back to their regular blue color and he turned around to face Atlas. " What the fuck is going on?" his irritated tone echoed off of the hard marble walls, impatience tracing his determined features.