[hr][h1][i][color=IndianRed]Reyna Baker[/color], [color=red]Meifeng Vuhong[/color], & [color=aqua]Jennifer Caspin[/color][/i][/h1][hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVUrg7Hzjo0[/youtube] Meifeng could practically sense the anxiety Jen was giving off. You didn't need to be a psychic to tell, especially since Jen was practically seconds away from clinging to her arm. There was a part of the bruiser that [i]understood[/i] the fear. It was just that Meifeng chose to reject it, and push on with confidence (Or at least a facade), instead of giving in. Meifeng isn't the type to show fear. She needed strength, and fear is a weakness. Meifeng kept walking through the party with Jen in tow - but she kept her head down. She had to remember they were crashing this bitch! The fact that Meifeng had a distinctive, and rather pronounced, appearance didn't help the matter either. So, she grabbed her hat, and tilted her head use it to cover her face. At least she was surrounded by drunken kids, and whatever. Speaking of drunken kids, all around Meifeng were boys and girls in swimwear. Dancing, drinking, and having fun. In her eyes, there was just eye-candy far as she could see! Too bad that she was dedicated to Anna (If the girl actually returns her feelings). Oh well. Meifeng had to think of ways to screw all of this over. Not like the obvious, and just throw water in the speakers. She had to be creative! Think outside the box! The best plans come when you improvise (Or, she had the most fun improvising). They were by the fence. Not too many people out here. Meifeng would be content with walking until she found something to do - but the rumbling and reving of a motorcycle caught her attention. She raised her hat, and turned her face to look. She wondered who the hell was bringing a [i]motorcycle[/i] to this party. Most parents to these bratty-ass kids barely buy cars for them - who the hell has a motorcycle? A spark of curiousity drew Meifeng to this mysterious cyclist (Even though it'd probably end up being pointless, or boring, or boringly pointless).The cyclist kicked the stand of her motorcycle down. It was a Kraus-make, and the muscle of the bike and its skeleton was visible to the eye. Nearly as soon as her combat boots hit the pavement, she took off her helmet and locked it around the seat. She was clearly a very young woman, beyond her teens, but still with many years to go. She combed her fingers through curly ginger hair, stylized in pixie faux hawk, blending with the red thermal she was wearing under her leather jacket. A smug, judgemental grin had stretched across her face as she checked out the party's scene from the outside. And she was hot. The cyclist leaned against the seat of her bike and crossed her arms as she looked . at the place left and right, before digging into a pocket of her baggy camouflage pants to procure a cheap looking flip phone and texted a brief message. [i]'Well, I made it. IDK about this place, I just hope there's free food. Wish me luck, lamb~'[/i] Meifeng, after watching her, had a bit more curiosity about who she was. Definitely not someone she's seen before (She dressed like she was from out of town, too). Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained (As she keeps telling herself). It might be fine to find out just who she is. And if she's a bitch, then Meifeng will just deck her and toss her behind some bushes. It was only after a few brief moments had the stranger finally began moving towards the building. She carried herself with a particular swagger, a sure sign of confidence, but was at least somewhat guarded, if only for the idea that she was an uninvited newcomer around these parts. Meifeng waited for a few moments as the strange girl walked in. Just to get her a little out of sight before they have their conversation. Meifeng grinned, before walking up to her. She made sure to carry an aura of confidence. "Heeeeeey, you there." Meifeng said, as she put her hands on her hips, taking large steps. "Haven't seen you around these parts." Jen, who had been reluctantly going along, simply flicks her bangs aside and looked at Meifeng. "Verthaven [i]is[/i] a big city, you know..." Only to recieve Meifeng's elbow. "Shut up Jen, I'm trying to make conversation." She whispered. The redhead was somewhat taken back by the sudden introduction. She had only just waltzed in and she was already making friends? [i]Sweet.[/i] As she looked up, she caught a look at the nasty scar that was attempted to be hidden under the girl's hat, warranting a curious (and maybe even slightly worried) expression. "Oh, uh, yeah." She responded to Meifeng. Her voice was soft. "I'm new in town, just came in a couple days ago and all, and uh... damn, were you fighting [i]bears[/i] or somethin'? That looks sick." [i]This girl is right to the point....[/i] Jen thought to herself as her eyes went to Meifeng. She looked around for a moment. The whole night there was probably even worse for Jen. It's just that she can walk away from some horrible injuries without scars. Meifeng can't. Good grief. Meifeng closed her eyes for a moment, and tried to clear her mind. [i]Just remember you're moving on from that.[/i] Meifeng thought to herself, as she simply looked off for a moment. "... Something like that." Meifeng softly said. Not making eyecontact again for another couple seconds. She realized that, with one comment about her scar, she basically froze up with awkwardness. [i]God damn it, I can't keep doing this.[/i] She thought to herself. "Dude!" She chimed with goofy smile, butting her with her elbow. "Remind me not to mess with you then, eh?" "... Uh, where are you from, then?" Jen asked, trying her best to change the subject from Meifeng's injuries. Because not everyone can look as scarless as Jen. "Huh? Ooohh, right, right... up and over by Maine, actually. Y'know, top right corner? Opposite of so-Cal?" "Oh?" Jen said. "How is it up there?" She said, trying to make small talk. There was a part of her that was [i]highly[/i] questioning the decision to visit Verthaven of all places. Yet, there was a familar aura around the girl. With the hair, motorcycle, and... the bruises on her knuckles that Jen found very hard to ignore. Like she seemed like the type of person who wouldn't care about all the chaos that's swirling around Verthaven, and show up anyway. Because it'd be [i]fun[/i]. A lot like Meifeng and the other girls that Jen knows. Meifeng had crossed her arms, choosing to remain silent. Just for a second. She made one big inhale through her nose, then let it all out her mouth. A breathing technique they taught her in Karate class. She didn't want to let Jen keep the conversation going (Or God forbide [i]try[/i]). She looked out through the fence at her bike again. "... You came all the way here from Maine on that?" Meifeng suddenly said, throwing a thumb in the direction of the bike. "You braver than me - but the question I want to know is, what brought you to this party? Only Verthaven kids here." "Cold." She said simply and unimpressed to the two girls, nodding. "Cold and wet. Like Cali - but colder, and with shittier streets. And moose." She turned to face Meifeng, the the corner of her mouth curled up in an amused smirk.She shifted her weight to one side of her body and crossed her arms as her hips rocked. "Hey now, don't you diss my ride. I got a glovebox full of teeth from people who do that sorta thing. For the record, I just found this place, okay? Free food, better than eating out, right?" Meifeng just accepted her simple explaination. Hey, she's right though. Free food is free food. Especially when you're stealing from people too drunk to give a shit. She closed her eyes, and crossed her arms. "I don't get how you people live in these cold-ass states. I lived in Black Fall for two years and nearly froze my tits off every winter." Meifeng noted, crudely, but honestly. "Here in Verthaven, always warm. Always sunny. You can just run out and have fun." Since she was letting Meifeng take charge (Because it was pretty obvious to Jen that she wouldn't have much to say to Reyna), Jen was absorbing bits and pieces of their conversation. Such as the matter of food. Jen was searching around for some food. While they were talking, Jen saw a pizza box that was conveniently abandoned, and quickly walked over to it. Like, nearly ran. Since, she wanted to get there and back before anything nasty grabs her. She bent forward, and grabbed the pizza, and quickly head back. The biker barely kept herself from snorting in amusement. "Yeah, well," she started as she leaned forward and pointed a finger at Meifeng, "I guess [i]we people[/i] are just made of tougher stuff. What do [i]you[/i] think?" Her tone was challenging, but not necessarily malignant. "Strongly worded banter" was probably a better descriptor for it, but there were definitely some buttons she seemed to be trying to push. "Hehehehe...." Meifeng laughed, putting her hands on her sides. "Bet you'd melt after one summer in Verthaven!" She teased. She took Reyna's comment in stride (Or it flew over her head). This girl seemed pretty cool (They should get to the name asking part soon, but whatever). This might be the perfect opportunity! Meifeng always told herself to improvise whenever possible, and always do something [i]spontaneous[/i]. What's more spontaneous than a asking random girl she talked to for five minutes to help ruin a party? Meifeng took two looks around, and there weren't too many people nearly. She doubt that this chick was the [i]snitching[/i] type (If so, Meifeng will take it upon herself to give her some [i]stitches[/i] like that stupid phrase), and she was more than willing to take that risk. She leaned in, and put a hand to the side of her mouth. "Psst... Let me let you in on a little secret...." She started off, looking at Jen for a moment - who was more than content with staying quiet - and continued her explaination. "Two of us? We're not supposed to be here. The person hosting this party is a total bitch. Like, you can count all her character traits with one hand! So, I assembled a little group of friends to go... you know? Fuck it all up for it. Make the worst party that Verthaven has ever seen!" Meifeng swiped her hand through the air dramatically The stranger looked at Meifeng with a mix of interest and awkwardness. She stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jacket. "Sounds neat and all, and like... I mean, damn chica. Buy a girl dinner first, y'know? Like... look, hey, my name is [i]Reyna.[/i] Tell me yours and then [i]maybe[/i] we can talk about a date." "Heeeeeeeeey... I'm [i]Meifeng.[/i] Yes, I know, Chinese-ass name. But, I'm to the point, baby. I'm not the type to fool around with the boring stuff." Meifeng shrugged, closing her eyes. Opening them wide, before she sported a innocent smile. "Uh, y-yeah, right." Reyna stammered quietly, apparently losing her demeanor. She turned away just a tad. Jen had returned with the box of pizza (Missing the introductions). She nodded her head at Reyna. "Um, I grabbed us some pizza." Jennifer stammered. "We can talk over some food--" "Oh great, we've got grub!" Reyna interjected about as soon as Jen came to deliver the goods. She opened the box to peer inside at the treasure trove of the greatest party food that life had to offer them. "Awesome, I'm starving. We can talk about party crashing after I got my fill, eh?" "Yeah, yeah." Meifeng said. "Could go for some pizza too - Oh yeah, this is [i]Jen.[/i]" Meifeng noted. "Yeah, nice to meet'cha." Reyna replied. Her eyes have yet to be taken off her quarry. Jen spotted some chairs off to the side (Like hell they'd sit in sand). Jen sat down, and opened the pizzabox. Pepperroni. A few slices were taken, but there was still enough for the three of them... Though, she doubted that they were going to share. Jen simply took one slice, and started chewing. Because of that regenerative factor, the NEST doctors said she has to eat a little extra (On the plus side, she'll have to try extra hard to get fat!). Meifeng sat down, and reached for the pizza - but quickly stopped, and put her hands on her lap.[i] Let's see what Reyna does first?[/i] Reyna didn't have as much restraint as he new acquaintence. As suspicious as she'd normally be of party food in California, she was [i]starving[/i], and she figured she could fight these two little girls off if it [i]was[/i] laced - after her system fought that off, of course. She grabbed two slices, and lacking a plate, she stuck them together, the bottom side of the slices on either side with all the good stuff in the middle. [i]'Like a pizza sandwich. Or something.'[/i] Nor did Reyna have the restraint to keep her from wolfing it down the moment she got her hungry hands on it.