[center][h2][color=Purple][b]The Kingdom of Soroya 1902[/b][/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [center][b]Sociatetem! Peace in our time.[/b][/center] With the announcement of the Societatem, came a speech from the Prime Minister Kevin Notles himself, [i]“I’ve come to you bringing news and with that news a sense of hope. Hope that we will see a bright future where we live in peace. Every man, woman, and child, can proudly claim that they have a birth right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. I, Kevin Notles, and the people of Soroya, humbly ask any nation that shares this sense of responsibility towards your fellow man to join us in this quest. With this request, I bring a warning. Nation’s with villainous intent, one that would see it’s fellow man brought to their knees to beg for mercy to that of a mad king or dictator, that we shall do everything in our power to bring a stop to your reign. Lastly, I bring a gift. The gift of god. Because it was god himself that sought to give us the right of free thought. The ability to challenge others. The ability to rise up against our oppressors. We, the people of Soroya, intend to see this gift given. To all people. To all races. To all ages. To all people. And with that, I bid you farewell.”[/i] [center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/McKinley's_last_address_wide2.jpg[/img] [i]Kevin Notles “I bring a gift” speech, circa 1902[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b] Injustice in Soroya! Freedom of speech under threat? [/b][/center] After the recent arrest of Osmadi revolutionary Ayyud Ba-kabir, many local newspapers have reported this to be an injustice. The colonial governor of Serranthia however has only made a single statement on the issue, “He was arrested for disturbing the peace, and disrupting the people's freedom of movement, a law that has been around for several hundred years. His time will be served, and he can then continue to protest whatever issues he sees fit legally.” This however has not turned away many journalists, as some continue to claim this to be a blatant lie. [center][img]http://www.knowla.org/uploads/2/Encyclopedia/images/3844/3844-thumb-lg-500x339.jpg[/img] [i]Prison facility holding Ba-Kabir, circa 1902[/i][/center] [hr] [center][b] Honneria in need. [/b][/center] Though the Prime Minister refused to intervene in the current war against Honneria stating “If you are unable to take proper measures to defend your colonial land from foreign powers then it is perhaps best in the hands of those foreign powers. However, if they call in allies with the intention of taking more than colonial land, I will gladly aid your people.” The conversation was quickly dismissed shortly after. [hr] [center][b] Trade ship sunk? [/b][/center] After the recent sinking of the STV Hafas, a joint investigation between Deltora and Soroya was quickly organized. While the Deltoran’s investigated their waters at home, Soroya shall question the crew. After all seventeen men have recovered investigation on Soroya’s part will begin immediately.