[@Antarctic Termite] Paused and slowly turned his head towards the speaker, noting the features quickly and swallowing lightly as he looked back into the distance. His mind was, in truth, awash with ideas and fears; Absolutely nothing about this was making sense to him. It defied all logic, it defied everything he knew about the world. Or at least all he thought he knew. After a few moments of silence he nodded slowly and opened his mouth to speak "The feel of what?" Ross asked quietly as he tried to piece together exactly what had happened. Was he a ghost? If sox why could people still see him. Had this happened before or was it unprecedented? Surely it would be known if it had happened before! Unless perhaps, it was lost to the pages of history as so much had been throughout history. Was this an extremely rare event that had never occurred in such a way to arouse suspicion before? Were there, in fact, the dead living amongst humanity, trying to disguise themselves and live their lives? Perhaps they would be found in insane asylums, this was certainly troubling. "I am dead but... What has happened?" Ross spoke in a normal pitch this time, glancing over to Shadrach again as he furrowed his brow.