[quote=@Captain Jenno] Not that it's really any of my business, but I'm wary of any player with their "hands in a lot of cookie jars." At least in my GMing experience, either consistency or quality usually suffers when a writer is spread thin. [/quote] Yes, like [@Baklava] said.. there is a major difference between actually checking several interest checks and actually spreading myself too much across role-plays. So please try not to be worried or assume too much. ^.- I'm only poking several interest checks because I'm trying to find a role-play that I want to be a part of. You also have to realize that any 'level of commitment' I have for this role-play can only be so high realistically speaking since there's not a guarantee I can even make a character sheet. So, just some thoughts. ^-^ (If it makes you feel better, this is really the only interest check I'm interested in fully, at this posting.)