[i][h3]Barcea, Southwestern Region - Cyril, Calypso, and Company[/h3][/i] For the trio, there was nothing to find besides the broken and dead. For the most part, the group stayed together as Cyril led the way. Every so often Alasa would drift off to look more closely at some of the wrecked buildings, but would return to catch up with the other two quickly enough. Calypso, in contrast, kept her gaze forward for the most part, not really looking to any of the wreckage or corpses. Of the three, though, it was clearly Cyril who was the most distracted despite how he was the one who led the trio. For the most part, though he held his blade at his right side, his gaze remained down to the helmet he held in his free hand. Even he wasn't so certain of why his gaze remained down to the slightly dented hunk of metal in his hands, as if it had some sort of answer or apology to offer. He knew that he wouldn't find one, but still he kept looking. This should have been expected, and they should have been ready. He had always thought that Gartian would one day strike a low, terrible, and sudden blow like this, and he knew he wasn't the only one either. Still, apparently the patrols along the border by the soldiers stationed there weren't enough... Nor were the efforts of the Sentinels. It was only a matter time before he was startled out of his unpleasant reverie. Suddenly, from the other side of the village ash and debris began to fly upwards, knocked sky high by some loud force. While the Prince's head snapped up, Alasa swore heavily as he jumped slightly, and Calypso simply blinked (her eyes had finally faded from the red completely, now instead a light blue). For a few moments the three were still and silent as the further destruction happened to the village, until it finally settled down. Finally they would speak again, glancing back and forth between one another. [b]"That wouldn't be another attack..." "I agree. There's no point."[/b] The Prince said in response to Alasa, giving a slight nod of the head. The hand holding the helmet lowered slightly, while the one holding the blade came up a little. [b]"Still though... We need to investigate. Especially if that was Drosil getting into a fight with another group lying in wait..."[/b] After a returned nod from the Sentinel, the three moved again, at a faster pace than before. They wasted no time in heading in the perceived source of the destruction, taking as few detours as possible around the rubble when they simply couldn't climb over. Thanks to this speed, they reached the location of the magical blasts soon enough... Though the scene they saw wasn't exactly one any of them were expecting. Upon their initial approach, the first thing they saw were the earth golems. Though the sight of them was enough to make both Cyril and Alasa tense, when it became clear that they weren't hostile and their purpose was to take care of the dead, the group just carefully made their way by the few they saw. They then came upon those who they were looking for, though they wouldn't realize it to begin with. After all, of those they expected, Sir Mauls-a-lot was the only one present. Drosil was nowhere to be seen, and instead there was a rather rugged-looking woman and a... vaguely humanoid shape, a massive seven feet with scales, claws, and deadly looking weapons. The figure was unlike anything Cyril had seen before, and because of that he simply stared for a moment after the trio came to a stop. After a moment though, he shook his head, keeping his weapon up a little as he prepared to defend himself, while refraining from being too threatening. The helmet remained at his side and a little behind as he surveyed the scene briefly, the surprise on his face clear enough. [b]"Who… are you? Where's Drosil?"[/b] Behind the Prince, Alasa stood at the ready, quickly glancing between the figure and the woman as he tried to piece together what he was seeing. Calypso, though, seemed not to care about any of it. In what looked either brave or foolish, she passed Cyril to calmly approach Sir Mauls-a-lot, her smile having yet to leave her face. She didn't even glance towards the massive figure or the woman, simply not interested in them at the moment, not with her new friend nearby. Upon reaching the Deathcrawler, her hand came up to pet the creature once again, though this time without the slightest hesitation. [b]"...~"[/b] The blue sparkled in her eyes. Though perhaps not the case for Alasa, the Prince seemed to be used enough to Calypso's antics to at least not be thrown off by what she did. In fact he barely glanced to her, his gaze instead cautiously focused upon the giant who stood nearby. Despite his fearsome appearance, he seemed calm enough and was apparently drawing or scribbling something away in a notebook, but Cyril still wasn't prepared to let his guard down around this stranger, especially with the scenery around himself. Though the organic-looking armor was dark, the figure at least wasn't wearing the colors of the H'kelan forces. So focused was he on the larger figure initially he barely looked towards the woman, but as he glanced towards her something about her... confused him. This was clear by the way his brow furrowed and his focus was soon mostly upon her; Alasa could watch the larger figure well enough on his own. For some reason, he couldn't help but feel as if he should know her. There were many citizens in Barcea though, so was she one that he had simply met before? Something about that didn't seem completely right and didn't settle well enough with him. After a moment of this confused look, he turned his head slightly before finally speaking again. [b]"To you as well: Who are you, and why are you here?"[/b] As the Prince spoke to the woman, his guard lowered ever slightly, both the sword and helmet dropping some. Alasa, in contrast, remained highly wary as he kept his bow and arrow at the ready though not directly pointed at anyone. Calypso meanwhile just kept her entire attention focused on Sir Mauls-a-lot.