[h2]Tachibana Hibiki[/h2] As if to inflate the grandmaster's concerns about how the singing girl was managing to avoid getting herself murdered by the horde of insects, Hibiki began to pick up pace whilst fighting the insects. The same kick that was used to crush one was used to propel her towards another, even as the targets became more plentiful. Whilst the singing did seem like an anomaly, it obviously wasn't impeding her awareness nor Hibiki's ability to strike out: each blow was clearly made with some sort of skill behind it. The impacts, however, were clearly beyond what someone of her size and strength should be able to produce, even the unaided attacks managing to crumple the comparatively flimsy bugs. More unusually, Hibiki was using the attacks themselves as a means of mobility, moving upwards to deal with flying enemies on a more level playing field--something that, at least, Ranma would be familiar with. Despite the damage by each attack, the magical girl clearly had no way to en masse deal with enemies, aside from something like her initial punch and its shockwave. Nonetheless, despite her inability to meaningfully thin the numbers, Hibiki was making a good job of shielding someone stuck on the ground--kicking off one of the bugs in order to slam into another, and another, knocking them both aside from where they would have dived upon Chun-Li. Even with the singing, the brunette was clearly paying attention.