Zymeni crested the hill and stared at the Capital. His horse nickered, stomping its hooves in the mud. Zy had named the stolen horse Vioarr, after his mothers god. As the he calmed his horse Zy glanced over his shoulder. It was a habitual action, one he did all the time. Shaking his head he carried on towards the Capital, one hand on the reins and the other on the hilt of his whip. A woodsman heading into the forest turned and noticed the figure riding off over the hill. He frowned, not many riders took the forest road. Most would go onto the main road if they wanted to go to the capital. But he considered the travellers outfit, shabby and worn. But with the swords strapped to his back he assumed that the man didn’t want to be noticed. The hunter shrugged and carried on sorting his arrows. He was curious but it was a common enough thing for a rider to be armed and go along the forest road. The only thing that made him feel uneasy was the youth of the rider. Zy rode on oblivious to the hunters thoughts and musings. As his sharp eyes settled on the turnoff for the main road he pushed his horse to a gallop. Vioarr thundered along the path and joined the main road, cobblestone making his hooves echo loudly in the morning mist. Not many people were on the road and all were walking or pulling carts. Zy felt out of place riding among the walkers but he wanted to reach the city quickly. The gates slowly appeared out of the mist, metal braziers kept soldiers warm as they checked each person entering. As Zy reined his horse by the gates the three soldiers swarmed around him. After a brief conversation they allowed Zymeni to enter the city as long as he didn’t disturb the peace. Zy rode into the city market. The hustle and bustle was strange to Zy as he stared at the people from atop of his horse. From atop his horse he notice two people talking, standing still unlike the crowds swarming around them. He dismounted and walked his horse to the two of them. “Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me?” [@olcharlieboi][@Madly33]