[center][i]~| Day 2, 11:34-11:50 GST |~ ~| Aboard the Kaggath, Prison Complex |~[/i][/center] It was an uncouth explanation, but Knight Watchman Koren certainly had a succinct way of explaining complicated situations. Tolun Fi exhaled slowly, knowing full well that the extent of Nazca’s condition might not be known for quite some time, and it was unclear if she harboured any ill-feelings towards him for his part in Darth Nyiss’ experiment. He would have to take her through physical therapy to get her used to the robotic arm, but at the time being there were more pressing matters. Namely, the aftermath of whatever happened in the Medbay with the Trandoshan Sith Lord. The Kaminoan turned to Koren when he spoke. He nodded deeply, with respect, to the Jedi Watchman. “You have my name correct, Knight Watchman Koren. I’m afraid I never made the rounds around the Temple nearly enough when I had the chance. But as they say, it is better late than never to make acquaintance. I had always intended to visit Manaan to expand my medical expertise, but perhaps after, there will be time. But for now, let’s-“ “Will someone...please untie me.” Xid spoke, his voice hoarse. Tolun Fi turned to the young Knight, the brilliant machinist he considered the only person close enough to consider a friend, and for once, his towering height made Xid seem a world away. The Kaminoan had rather come to relate to Xid on account that the young man seemed incapable of forming normal human attachments with people, nothing like he could with his machines, and both were engaged with their own field of expertise in a way that seemed cold and alien to anyone else. There was an understanding between them that had very suddenly found a crack; the young man was becoming reckless and emotional, incapable of following instruction. He was sacrificing his talents and their ability to save the Jedi captives in favour of throwing himself at death time and time again because he was incapable of controlling himself. Did he no longer trust Tolun Fi, or worse, no longer respect him? It was troubling, to say the least. Looking down at Xid, he could almost believe for a second he was looking at someone else. Instead of saying anything he began to undo Xid’s restraints while Koren took Nazca to the central chamber for training, which was easily the order and stability Nazca needed after her ordeal. It was easy to admire her spirit and raw physicality; it was easy to imagine her coming back from any ordeal more or less herself. It was encouraging. “Give me a shout if you need me.” Koren called, prompting the Kaminoan to nod a silent acknowledgement. He began to inspect Xid’s wounds, not speaking for some time. Before he decided to break the silence, the sounds of Imperial Troopers filled the room and Koren was taken away, presumably for an interrogation session. Tolun Fi made eye contact with Xid, staring at him severely. “If I were to venture a guess, if you were in any other condition, you would have thrown yourself at those guards to try and stop them from taking Koren. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me you understand me when I say that the only way to help everyone is if you control yourself, because I am beginning to question if you are the same young man I had befriended and worked with for years. Where does it end, Xid? At what point do you stop yourself from acting and realize it is your talents that may be the key for everyone making it off this ship alive and uncorrupted. I trusted you to know better.”