[hider=Sir Oryx]Name: Sir Oryx the Cursed Knight Age: 1027 Sex: Male Race: Stalfos Handiness: Left Appearance: Standing at 5'11, Sir Oryx is completely incased in his cursed armor which is decorated with that of skulls. Only those with keen eyes might see through his armor for what he actually is. [hider][IMG]http://orig03.deviantart.net/ab0b/f/2015/223/6/8/684ded13aef3908d2eb0e638e8341fd1-d957eis.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Inheritance: Sword of Valor - A sword passed through his family for generations, imbued with the spirit of Justice and Bravery that allows him to retain his mind and control over his cursed body. Personality: Sir Oryx despite his horrific appearance and unsavory demeanor is still as noble and humble at heart as when he was still alive, living true to the fact it matters what's on the inside not on the outside. He is kind hearted and still holds onto his duties to serve and protect the people of his land and even those in need of help. Recent history: Sir Oryx was not always as grotesque and offensive to the eyes as he is in his current state. Oryx served as a Hylian Knight to the Royal Family in his past days among the living. As a Hylian Knight he embodied the spirit to place others before himself and that there was no greater honor that to sacrifice one's self for another. He was the ideal Knight of the time, compared to many of his fellow comrades who more likened themselves to knight in name only, and not so much in practice. Oryx aspired to one day be a Royal Guard, only for the most worthy and humble of knights and he was on the right path to becoming one perhaps in a few more years of service. Disaster struck as an evil darkness descended upon the Kingdom and it was lost. With the Kingdom gone and the Royal Family gone Oryx went into self exile at his failure to protect his land from evil. However a hero of light arose from the darkness and defeated the great evil, saving the land and restoring peace. Oryx returned from his exile to serve as a Hylian Knight and hopefully redeem himself. As time went on though evil once again slowly seeped into the land now from outside, but from within its borders and the source being the Legendary Hero of Time. Corrupted by unlimited power, Oryx devised a plan among fellow brave knights to stop their land from falling into darkness once more, but their plan was uncovered and they were punished harshly for their crimes. They were forced to serve as his knights for all eternity. Stripped of life, they were turned into Stalfos Knights to guard his castle. During a great battle waged by heroes of past, present, and future, he stood guard in the Tombs of Hyrule's past ruler to future increase their pain by standing in the presence of some of Hyrule's greatest rulers and to know that they failed them. When the Hero of Time was thrown into the future, they remained there, still stuck in eternal servitude to him as was per the chase of the curse. Standing there, completely aware of their surroundings, yet unable to control their own decomposed bodies they remained for 1,000 years. However while the other knights became made and their minds ultimately coming to reflect their bodies Sir Oyrx's remained true. He focused hard on what his duties were as Hylian Knight, even if he didn't resemble one no more. His family's sword that his hands still clung to began to create a magical barrier around him after absorbing the magical aura of the past rulers of Hyrule. His sword unbeknownst to him which had been past down through his family of 10 generations of Hylians Knights had been infused with goodness and the essence of what makes a true knight. As he felt his master's return into the land of Hyrule, the magical barrier created by his sword solidified and broke him of his chains, he was free to control himself once more, but still cursed to be among the living until the creator of his curse was vanquished. Sir Oryx left the tomb and set out to defy his master once again, hopefully this time for good. Personal Goal: To protect his homeland, free himself and his fellow comrades and to finally be laid to rest. Three strengths (Not just combat) 1. Very skilled Swordsman. 2. Can speak to the more friendlier dead. 3. Noble of heart, always tries to see the good in people despite people always seeing the bad in him. Three weaknesses (Not just combat) 1. Despite his good intentions at heart, his new form has made him incredibly weak against light magic. 2. As a Stalfos Oryx tends to cause panic and be seen as a monster, not as the person he once was. 3. Without his sword he mind will crumble, and the darkness the lurks within will be unleashed and he will fall prey to being a servant of darkness. Greatest Love: Nature Hates the most: Bullies, those who hurt others Misc: Dogs really like him... for his bones... Theme music:[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XItoJ9WPDE[/youtube] [/hider]