[indent][b]IMPORTANT :[/b] Okay, so truthfully, this is going up at a time where I'm, like... stupid busy. Why am I even making this thread then, you must be asking? I figured I'd just put it out there and let it stew for a bit while I get my garbage sorted (you know, combustibles and all that).[/indent][hr] What I'm looking for is a 1x1 Roleplaying partner to be subjected to my storytelling, for fun and also for writing practice. I'm looking for someone who's skilled, mature [21+ preferably, unless you feel you more than qualify], and confident in their roleplaying abilities, with enough spare time to post [i]at least[/i] bi-weekly and keep up with a high-quality/high-quantity pace. Averaging 1200 semi-edited words per post is the [b][i]minimum[/i][/b] that I'm looking for. I know that my requirements may seem a bit stringent, but I'm not particularly difficult or unforgiving. Don't worry too much if it's not always feasible. The effort is what counts. My role in this 1x1 is going to be that of the GM. I'll be responsible for all of the core NPCs and generally moving the story along, doing my best to accommodate you, the Player. You'll be responsible for controlling your character and - that's about it. Of course, the more active you want to be in the story and world-building, the more thrilled I'll be in response. This is a game, and it should be fun for both parties. [b]As for the plot I had in mind:[/b] [indent]You will be playing a character in a fantasy world. The main character, as it were. The story will focus around this single individual, preferably from a young, inexperienced age, and their adventures and/or misadventures in this world, shaping the plane and fulfilling their great destiny. I'm leaning heavily towards an eastern-inspired setting with mild Euro-Fantasy influences, with an emphasis on Martial Arts, Magic, Monsters and the general desire to grow stronger and accomplish your overarching life goals. If you weren't already familiar with this set-up, I can tell you now that it's heavily reminiscent of the Wuxia/Xianxia sub-genres of Chinese fantasy, with traditional shounen Anime/Manga/Light-Novel tropes littered throughout. Expect some AD&D levels of challenge, as I won't be overly hand-holding with the plot armor. Your creativity and skill will be crucial to success and survival, otherwise how could their be any kind of tension? Expect lots of violence and mature content, as this is not a kind or cuddly world. Very much an "eat-or-be-eaten" kind of place. As for what kind of path your character takes in this story, that's totally up to you. I'm not the rail-roading type, and my only job will be to make things as exciting and interesting as possible. That said, try to have at least a vague idea of what you're looking for before you contact me, as that will make transitioning into the game that much easier. Of course, anything you're unclear on or want to hammer out before we get started is perfectly acceptable conversation as well. Romance is up to you, and there will be plenty of potential characters for you to woo or be wooed by, and I'm not above harems/fetishes/smut/etc. if that's what you're interested in. Again, just let me know in advance. Gender, skills, goals, and back-story will be mostly on you, but I'm more than willing to help in this regard if you have questions.[/indent] Remember, only reply if you're serious. I'm not going to be offended if nobody is interested in playing with me, but I would hate to put in my time and effort telling a story only to have it all go to waste. [b]Additionally:[/b] [list][*]I had intended for this Roleplay to take place over the RPGuild PM system. If there's another form of communication that you would prefer, let me know and I'll see if I can manage it. [*]Let me know well in advance if there are any sensitive topics I need to avoid. I don't need a reason or any personal information, but I would hate to strike a nerve with somebody by accident. [*]Although not required, it would help considerably if you provided a sample of your work with your inquiry. Don't worry if it's not very large, as long as you actually [i]can[/i] write a consistently large amount, I'm mostly looking at style and compatibility. [*]I'm expecting this page to fade into the nether fairly quickly, so there's no need to post in this thread. Just send me a message.[/list] [right]Sincerely, Zurnt[/right]