[quote=@JulienJaden] I'm also interested. I am a man of the Empire at heart but I might join the stinkin' rebels this time around. We'll see. That said, what's the plan here? I'm not very familiar with RPs that involve two opposing factions, so I'm curious where the focus is - Is it leading up to certain events? Will defection and/or being captured play a role? Will this go mission-by-mission? [/quote] Empire it will be easy, to try and protect the Empires interests. CQ and me (Though mainly CQ) will also create more... specific missions. Rebellion we're obviously trying to free the planet from the Empire, missions on a case by case basis will also be given by me. Though at the same time there will be element of freedom for those not in the Empire on what we're doing. If you want to defect? Go for it. If you get captured, that could be fun. [quote=@The Survivor] You and these Star Wars rps. (I'm interested btw <3) [/quote] Always. [quote=@cqbexpt] One can never have too many :P. More meat for the grinder! or sargents whatever you want to do. Praise the Emperor! [/quote] Would you say we've got enough to go? :P