Thank you for posting your interest everybody. Head over to the OOC/IC and make your presence known, and draft up a CS. For those concerned about super powers: [quote=@Aeonumbra] For the rest of you excited about superpowers: I said at some point. It's a plot device, I will introduce them eventually and then they will be a permanent part of the game. But not yet, there's a story you must go down to get them. How you ask? If your character pursue the right goals I will sneak in here and there, then it will unfold around you like a terrifying carnivorous moth. For now though, we are normal, with perhaps cybernetic/genetic enhancements. Don't go too crazy on those. [/quote] For those concerned with cybernetics, there is information in the library available. You may "stretch" the limitations and guidelines that I have created to include say.. a sword, or a gun, or a shuriken star launcher, w/e. If it's too "big" I may decline the stretch. As we go along we will develop, stronger modifications, cybernetic changes, etc. I'm not starting "gung-ho" into everything.