[center][h2][color=4ac925]Jade Harley[/color][/h2][/center] Oh boyyyy, this guy really was not a happy camper! Weren't caped crusaders supposed to be nice and campy. And, you know, not a big grumpy pants! At least, that's what John always said when he'd go on and on and on about the awesomeness of all those comic book heroes. Though, maybe he was one of those anti-heroes? Jade distinctly remembered her brother telling her they were kind of jerkfaces. "Roger dodger, mr. mask!" The dog girl replied with an ever present goofy grin and a mock salute, before she began floating up into the sky. Pulling the rifle off her back, she moved the scope up to her eye. Not having her First Guardian powers was seriously inconvenient for finding out where she was. She now had to rely on good old fashioned eye sight. And, well, the scope of a high calibur rifle, but details! She looked to the left. Nothing but lots of food plants and food animals. She looked to the right and noticed her new partner heading towards something. Getting a better look, she spotted a group of people near a Bento tree. She guessed that meant they weren't the only ones brought here. The godtier was just about to fly down and join the group when she spotted something headed towards them. Bugs! Big gross bugs! Oh nooooooo! They were going to hurt all those potential friends! jade definitely couldn't have that. Aiming her rifle, she began taking long distance shots at the bugs. Unfortunately, there was too many for her to get them all, but it seemed the Bento Tree people had a lot of cool abilities that let them handle themselves! [hr] [center][color=95229e][h2]Tsubomi Kido[/h2][/color][/center] Today had certainly been a long day for the Mekakushidan leader. Still drenched in Miso and with no idea where she was, all she could do was cross her over her chest and shiver ever so slightly. Miso Lake had been pleasantly warm before, but now out here in the breeze, she was feeling a chill starting to set in. Cold, wet, and with no where to go. She guessed this was the full runaway experience she never really had to endure. At least, she wouldn't be going hungry anytime soon. Kido seemed to be taking this much better than before. She was, until, she felt something poke her side. Looking down, her naturally glare-like gaze actually managed to widen considerably. She felt faint. Nope. Brain does not want to accept this reality. This was all a dream~ W, what was even up with this girl's arms?! She was so... odd looking. "U-uh... I'm... uh," Brain still refused to work and her mouth was doing little to help either. "I mean, I don't..." Come on Kido, you can be cool. You can handle this. She opened her mouth to attempt communication again. And failed. Miserably.