[h1][color=lightcoral]Emma[/color][/h1] Emma had a bit of trouble keeping up with Noah despite her love for speed-walking. It always had a certain sass to it and she loved doing it especially when she was angry at someone. She gazed around the house as she entered with Noah. [color=lightcoral]"This is a nice house."[/color]She commented then blinked as he threw her a towel.[color=lightcoral] "Thanks." [/color]She began drying herself off as he made his way into the kitchen. She wondered why he was stocking up on food. Did he think there was an impending zombie apocalypse? She decided not to question him and waited patiently for his return. Once he was back, she gestured to the door and went outside. She made her way toward her house with haste, which surprisingly was not that far. Once she reached the small, typical two-story home, that was on the corner of the road, she opened the door and frowned. It was not like her mom to leave it unlocked. She held it open for Noah nonetheless and went inside, [color=lightcoral]"Mom?"[/color] She called. No one answered. She sighed. [color=lightcoral]"Alex?" [/color] [color=lightblue]"Emma!"[/color] Emma turned to find her brother lingering in the doorway, blue eyes wide and frazzled. [color=lightblue] "Where the hell have you been and who is that?"[/color] Emma glanced at him and then to Noah. [color=lightcoral]"Noah, meet Alexander, my brother. I'm going to change before I answer any questions from anyone soooo bye." [/color] She then bolted up the stairs, leaving the taller blonde with him.