[quote=@Undine] So I can't add my relationships onto my character sheet thing because it's too long! I guess I'll just link it to my character thing. [b][u]If everyone could take a look at this that would be great![/u][/b] Because we haven't really discussed relationships yet, I had to do a lot of assuming. Feel free to tell me what you think, and if you want any changes. I'm also open to establishing (or breaking!) new relationships that aren't in this relationship sheet, so feel free to talk to me in the OOC or in PMs! [hider=Echo's Relationships] [center][img]http://www.wallpaperseries.com/files/wallpapers/Smiling%20Emily%20Rudd%20Wallpaper.jpg[/img] [i]"Smile, you're beautiful!"[/i][/center] [hr] [color=87CEFA] [color=7FFFD4]Aella Strand:[/color] [indent]"Aella is such a sweetheart, I wish she would let me get to know her better. She's just kind of awkward and seems to shut into herself. It's unfortunate because I know that there's someone amazing underneath all of that 'yes man' stuff she has going on right now. We're on pretty good terms and I'm probably one of the better friends that she has--one that doesn't take advantage of her, at least--and I still feel that I don't know the real Aella. I've tutored her in a few subjects before, mostly charms. And oh dear, that girl just is not cut out for spellwork. But I don't mind helping her out ever. Also Nyx adores her rats, seeing them play together is so cute!" [i]Echo won't dare admit it to herself, but she can actually relate to Aella quite a bit. While Aella closes in on herself, Echo pushes herself outwards, but their insecurity is very similar. If Echo wasn't a talkative, extroverted person she may have become quite like Aella. Therefore Echo feels inclined to look out for the girl and try to make her as happy as she can. Perhaps Aella doesn't notice it, but Echo usually has an eye on Aella to try and make sure that people aren't being mean to her.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Aurelia Faulkner[/color] [indent]"Aurelia is well... A bit of a character. It's kind of hard to talk to her sometimes because she's so vicious a lot of the time. She's insanely smart though. And sometimes I swear that she can predict the future. I don't think she's a seer though. I try not to let her aloofness and her blunt tendencies stop me from trying to talk to her though. She's fascinating to talk to (once you can get her to converse)." [i]While not as extreme, Echo was raised in similarly demanding households that expected greatness and inheritance. Her parents are trying to mold her into a politician, and constantly raising the bar for her. Somehow, Echo senses the incredible loneliness stemming from the girl and how she uses her aloof exterior to prevent people from hurting her. Echo will continue trying to talk to her because she believes that no one should be alone, even if Aurelia keeps pushing her away. Still, being the people-pleaser that Echo is that cuts into her deeply.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Hestia Wintergerald[/color] [indent]"Hestia is such a drama queen! Haha, just kidding... Kind of. She does have a tendency to be a bit melodramatic sometimes, but it's all in good fun. She can be awkward at times, but mostly she's a really great person to party with. I can usually ask her to do something when I'm bored on a weekend. I've seen her mad though... I definitely don't want to be on her bad side. She's scary when she's mad." [i]Hestia and Echo get along quite well. They both have extroverted tendencies and being in the same house... It goes without saying that they talk quite often. Sometimes Hestia's judgmental nature and stubbornness can turn Echo off a bit but Echo keeps quiet about that. All in all, they're friendly with each other. Echo is usually Hestia's sober sitter. Sometimes she sneaks out in the middle of the night to go fetch her friend. Echo always complains about it, but in a good-natured way.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Lü Ziya[/color] [indent]"Have you ever seen his face? I don't think I've ever seen his face. And I've known him for like... 5 years, maybe. He's very ambitious, and he reminds me of my parents a bit. Sometimes I don't hear what he's saying and I have to keep asking 'What? Sorry, can you repeat that?' because his mask tends to muffle his voice. Eventually I just smile and nod. I kinda feel bad about that." [i]Lü is one of the people that Echo unfortunately hasn't had a chance to talk to too often. Maybe it's because they're in different houses and years. But Echo is probably one of the people that Lü can talk about politics with considering that Echo knows way too much about it. They're on good terms, even though Echo wouldn't necessarily call them friends yet.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Cassandre La Flamme[/color] [indent]"Cassandre! She's my choir buddy. She has a great voice, and we sing together a lot. Her band is awesome too, she asked me if I wanted to join, and I'm giving it a try! I love music. We also share a love for divination. I was unable to join Divination Club unfortunately because of a schedule conflict, but I see her in class. It's pretty great! I usually ask her to keep me updated in what happens in that club because I miss it so much. She's awesome." [i]Cassandre and Echo are pretty good friends. They share similar interests, hobbies and traits and they can often be heard talking about them late into the night. Being in the same house, it goes without saying that she they have similar personalities. Echo understands that fear of rejection and does her best to be accepting and remembering to invite her out to events.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Amelia Averyonna[/color] [indent]"Amelia is the cutest! She's one of the sweetest, most adorable first years I've seen in a while. Have you ever seen her artwork? I saw some when I walked by her the other day and it was absolutely amazing. She could be a famous artist some day. She's talented. I'm trying to coax her out of her shell little by little since she's so shy. She keeps to herself a lot. When I talk to her, she looks up at me with these wide, round eyes... I hope that I'm not scaring her." [i]In a way, Echo's taken Amelia under her wing. Echo's tendency to be motherly and take care of people manifested strongly for Amelia because the poor girl is so vulnerable. Echo always wanted a little sister. And Echo actually knows a little bit of sign language. She's able to communicate with Amelia a little better than most. (Echo knows the alphabet, and a handful of sentences and phrases. By a little bit, she means a LITTLE BIT)[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Carlo Valentine[/color] [indent]"Carlo. Where do you even start with him? He's confident, he's charming... He's definitely got a presence. I've actually known him for a really long time, before Salem, even. We're actually childhood friends because our parents are pretty close. He can get pretty arrogant, but he's a good guy." [i]The Valentine family and the Halcyone family met long before Carlo's and Echo's birth at some high class parties. It was inevitable. Both were influential, powerful and famous. It was only a matter of time until they met. As a result, Carlo and Echo have known each other since they were in diapers. Admittedly, since they're both young, attractive people, there have been a couple of weird moments between them. Echo would hesitate to outright declare that their relationship is completely and totally [/i]platonic. [i]In a way, he's her 'what if'? And a thought that she refuses to think about any more than she needs to. Besides that, they've maintained a pretty good friendship over the years. They're often seen poking fun at each other.[/i][/indent] [color=7FFFD4]Ariadne Tune[/color] [indent]"Addie is the best. She helps me with transfiguration sooo much it's not even funny. In return, I try to help her with herbology since I'm pretty decent at it. We have a pretty good give-and-take thing going on between us. Addie is one of my good friends, and her sarcasm is so funny. She says the funniest things sometimes, even though I don't think she necessarily means to. She's quiet though, I do a lot of the talking in standard conversation." [i]Addie and Echo get along wonderfully. Since Addie is one of the first people Echo turns to for transfiguration help, she's very thankful for her unofficial tutor and often brings cookies and flowers, little gestures of thanks for Addie. In return, Echo helps Addie study herbology because even though she's not the best at it, Echo enjoys herbology and she's definitely better at it than Addie! Addie is introverted, compared to Echo's extroverted personality, so Echo spends a fair amount of time worrying that she's annoying Addie when she goes to talk to her. Echo wants to respect her space, but she's a chatty, outgoing person. She doesn't quite understand the appeal in being alone.[/i][/indent] [hr] [center][img]http://7-themes.com/data_images/out/29/6867542-emily-rudd.jpg[/img] [i]"The sky is so pretty. I wish I could freeze time and gaze at it all day..."[/i][/center][/color][/hider] [/quote] Odin's beard! I love the amount of detail you've put into this :D all the house points for you, my friend :) Are we all gonna do a relationships tab too? I feel like that'd be fun.