[@AlicePleasanceLiddell][@Leslie Hall] Understanding Roses smile he nodded and started the long walk into Champions Road and finally the Arena grounds. Most peoples feet would be sore by now but being a powerful earth elemental the earth doesnt hurt him. The first thing the group would see is a giant Collesseum like building that almost seemed to flicker. "This Arena" the prof explained "can be changed to for many different tracks and exteriors for whatever is needed. Each one is stored in another pocket dimensional layer which is why you may see a slight distortion." He said marvelling at it. "This is a relatively new building constructed by the headmasters msgic as the old arena has become nothing more than ruins with its old preservation magic worn out." He smiled at the group, the longer they were here the more their magic was starting to affect their Trace (an earth elemental equivalent of an aura.) It was good to see. Good for tjhe school. Good for the whole of magic even!