[hider=Nariv Arya] Name: Nariv Arya Age: 16 Gender: Male Nationality: American Prison Faction: Factionless - The Messenger Ability: Vocal Replication - Nariv is able to replicate any sound or voices with complete and udder accuracy. However, this means that he can't copy a person's voice, merely mimic the exact phrase that they had heard, or remix several sources of noise to make a complete sentence. Still, it his still his voice, it can still get tired if he uses it too much and he can't replicate sounds that he can't hear. This means pitches high or low enough that the human ear can't detect. Also, the more inhumane the sound, the more strain on the voice. Biography: Nariv was born into a fair life. His parents loved him, they lived inside of a fairly decent neighborhood with his parents having an above average salary. He has two brothers, both older and out of the house, and the one thing you would realize is that he was born mute. That affected his life quite drastically as he couldn't speak at all. School was quite strange, he had to be somewhere special, where teachers knew ASL and students with similar disadvantages as himself. It didn't affect him too hard, he still had friends that could speak, he acted no different than he would have if he spoke, although people understanding all the time was a problem for the rest of his life. It was only until he was 15 when he discovered that there was another abnormality inside of him as well. He was in a car, a family vacation with his parents and brothers. The radio was blasted to the max, playing catchy song after catchy song with everyone singing along. Nariv didn't mind at all, he was mouthing the lyrics as well, joining the fun with his family. Everything was fairly normal, everyone was having fun and all when the parents went to refuel the car. The brothers didn't mind this, they continued to sing with horrible voices until they shut off the car, with the radio as well. However, the song didn't stop. They all looked towards Nariv, the chorus of the song being sung out by the little brother. It was quite a strange sight, especially when the artist was a woman. So, everyone freaked out, including Nariv when he realized what was happening. So, fast forward to a year. The family was all weirded out by this ability. However, they still loved the person that had the power, he was the little brother after all. It took some adjusting to his new life as well, he still went to his special school, but he kept on practicing on videos on the Internet. The sound of explosions, gun fire, and famous movie quotes coming out of his mouth! It was amazing to him, and he occasionally did funny things with voice like whispering two cymbals crashing together into someone's ear. It was a riot. Well, until he got kidnapped to be sold as a slave, that part kind of sucked. Personality: Nariv is mainly just a normal boy. He tries to be friendly to others, to strangers, he shows a rather polite and nice side of himself. However, the more you get to know him and befriend him, the more you start to see his true side. He is still friendly and all, but he starts to be more of a goof with a slight dick-ish attitude. He stays silent when he is supposed to, he knows when to intervene, and especially knows when to run. He is a fairly normal boy living inside of a world that isn't normal. Though, this means that he isn't used to all of the craziness that will ensue later in his life. Appearance: [hider=Nariv] [img]http://i.imgur.com/GNGUm8j.jpg[/img] [/hider] Other: He is just too darn weak to join any factions, and he had no will to start a fight due to the problem that he has no idea how to fight. Voice Replication doesn't help in fights either, so, Nariv merely has to use his wit to survive. [/hider]