Looking for someone interested in doing a god/ goddess x human RP. I have a few plot ideas already but if you have an idea or suggestion please don't hesitate to ask. [U]Current Ideas [/U] (Always accepting, at least until I tell otherwise. No one brings quite the same thing to a story and it can play out so many different ways that the possibilities are endless.) Goddess x Human - Setting ancient Greece. A young man becomes lost on a journey only to wander in the secret garden of a minor goddess who many overlook. He is accidentally injured by one of the beings who guard her haven and she takes him in. When he comes to he plans on leaving to re-embark on his journey the moment he is well enough to travel but will the kind goddess change his mind? - Setting modern day Egypt. An architect discovers a new tomb in the desert and during his excavation he accidentally awakens an ancient Egyptian goddess who takes a quick interest in him and his new world. Thus the goddess decides to follow him. How long will he last with a mischievous goddess on his hands? God x Human - One of the many Roman/ Greek gods begin to take a strange liking to a human girl who somehow stumbled into Olympus (or whatever the Roman equivalent is). Strangely none of the gods/ goddesses feel a reason to make her leave, at least until they figure out how it was she got there. (This one could be set in either ancient or modern times.)