[center][h3]Theodore and Lucas[/h3] [@Minimum] | [@AlicePleasanceLiddell][/center] Ruby seemed to be very easy going and fun loving, which was quite refreshing compared to the serious, cynical tone of the man named Adam. His comments towards Theodore set a very intense atmosphere between him and the two brothers. Theodore didn't like to be talked down to, and Lucas didn't particularly like listening to someone insult his brother. The younger brother glared at Adam as he talked about his 'potential', his patience growing thin. "Being bitter and unpleasant gives you the right to judge me and my brothers worth? Perhaps some self reflection is in order if you truly believe my brother to be the arrogant one here." Lucas brushed a stray strand of hair off of his face, removing his gaze from Adam. Theodore slung an arm around his brothers shoulder and began ruffling his hair with his spare hand. "Nice! You tell him, bro!" Theodore had a stupid smile plastered across his face. Just seeing it made Lucas regret standing up for him. Yet he was surprised how well his older brother was taking the insult. Theodore saw the look of confusion on Lucas' face and tilted his head towards Adam as Ruby dragged him away. "If I get all hot and bothered by what he says, then it'll just make him think that he's right about me. I ain't gonna give that bastard the satisfaction. Especially after you were so cool, standing up for me and all." Lucas was surprised at the level headed thinking of his brother. For him to think in such a way must be due to his distaste for their new companion. "We should follow them." That was the last thing Lucas said on the matter, and the two quickly caught up to the professor. Theodore and Lucas gaped at the large arena, listening intently to the professor's every word. They were like two kids in a candy shop. It was expected of Theodore to be ecstatic over the chance to have a couple sparring matches with some strong students, but the fact that Lucas was also teeming with excitement was surprising. "Lucas, I want to take you on! Let's go!" Theodore readied himself to sprint towards the arena, but was stopped by his younger brother yanking the back of his collar. "What my brother means to ask, Professor," Lucas shot a look at Theodore, as if to tell him to not be rude, "is when the arena is available for students to use? Can we only use it during certain lessons or is it open in our free time as well?" He put extra emphasis on the words 'free time', reminding Theodore that they were still on their tour.