[center][color=MediumTurquoise]~Adam and Ruby~[/color][/center] [center] [u][b]Ruby[/b][/u] and [u][b]Adam[/b][/u] followed the professor. The place looked marvelous, it was indeed something you would look in awe. Ruby wasn't as fascinated as Adam was. He thought it was very interesting the fact that something as grand could take such shapes and qualities. He wondered whether a big battle would happen there someday. It seemed the appropriate place for something like that. He felt Ruby heavier as their arms were crossed. He turned his gaze upon her, to see her smiling at the way the two brothers acting, but also noticed that she was very tired of walking. He wanted to smoke as well, so he decided to ask. Ruby rose her eyebrow as she saw Adam freeing his arm of hers. He walked to the professor. [i][color=a2d39c]"I do find the Arena fascinating. It indeed is a grand place, and I appreciate your efforts on showing us around, but me and my friend are tired. Are there many more places we'll have to see?"[/color][/i] He asked in a polite tone, trying not to cumber his reputation any more. It was his first day, after all. [/center]