The boy awakened. The cocoon he was originally covered in had shedded away, leaving nothing but dead matter amongst the vibrant life of both beautiful and deadly plants alike. His eyes felt alive, they felt real in every shape and form. His body was shuddering as he let out a very distinct chortle. Laughter from this youth was never quite the same as the one escaping his mouth. It became longer, and accentuated as he put emphasis on the giggle. Mysterious was an adjective that could be best used to describe his laugh while it became obscurely representational of the change that he underwent after leaving behind his mortal life. This metamorphosis could either be very positive, or strikingly negative. Nonetheless, he decided to stand up and smile at the lives he created. He bit his lip, tilting his head at the dead body in front of him. Suddenly he no longer cared for the reason why the person had died. He stopped worrying about whether or not he'd find a hospital or a police officer to inform of the corpse. Instead, he began to worry about the smoke he saw rising in the sky from the distant orange hue ahead. The young man grasped the wallet he pocketed from the body behind him and shoved it into his back pocket. A small sunflower sprouted from the earth beneath him, pointing instead towards the warm glow when biologically it should've pointed towards the sun. "Yes I know. I'm walking towards that way now. There's no need to tell me to go where I know I'm already going." He spoke to the sunflower next to him. It stood there, silent; its leaves blowing gently with the soft wind that pushed against the boy's skin. There were so many questions left unanswered in his head, but he decided it would be best to put them aside. For some reason he had a strange feeling in the back of his mind that these questions would be answered. How, he did not know, but when he felt would happen very soon. The ground began to almost sing as he walked, as if it were praising a higher being in its vicinity. Another strange chortle left his mouth, that one would daresay sounded well... insane. One step after another he inched closer to the warmth. Footstep by footstep he finally reached the edge of the forest. He didn't take note of the oddly fallen trees that lined directly towards the dead body he woke up in front of earlier. This peculiar detail did not cross his mind until his eyes laid upon the debris of metal and other man-made materials scattered along the road. Anteriorly a wrecked petrol station was in flames and severely damaged from what seemed to be a wreckage between possibly some sort of collision with a large vehicle? It took the young man long enough to piece together what this meant. A bus crashed into a gas station. If he would've felt normal the scene would've been shocking and unbelievable. But something was different about him, and he knew it too. He didn't just cocoon in a mass of plants for nothing. He noted that it was most likely a subconscious metaphor for a change in him of some sorts. His mind tended to do that; be artsy and creative before he could even see it. He stood there, staring at the accident with blank eyes. And then, a grin crossed his face as his mind was met by a bizarre idea.