[u][h3][centre]Kingdom of Aontas[/centre][/h3][/u] [centre][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/58/Haakon7.jpg[/img][/centre] [i][centre]~His Grace King Matthias, D.G., King of Aontas and of Follam~[/centre][/i] Ours is a world wrought with conflict, which has known war as often as the skies above it have known a starry night. Whether it is the people of Varius or of the foreign continents who experience the pain of war, it is essential to any ruler interested in the well-being of his citizens to ensure the presence of peace in his lands. Similarly, it is a ruler's obligation, as far as is possible respecting the will of God and the sanctity of state, to ensure the freedom of his people, and their ability to enjoy, without repress and without unreasonable exception, that well-being to which they are entitled. With these essential principles in mind, and with a desire to both ensure and to further them, it is with the sincerest of pleasures that I announce the Kingdom of Aontas' adherence to the ideology of [i]Sociatatem[/i]—to the principles of natural law, and of the sanctity of the state and its people. The Kingdom of Aontas' place in the world stage has long been one of mutual respect with her sister nations; ours is a mighty kingdom, and one which has always used its might to ensure long-lasting peace and prosperity for its people, and for all people to whom it entreats. This principle, Sociatatem, is the expression of that eternal quality of Aontas, and it is with the desire for brotherhood of all mankind that the Kingdom of Aontas shall bear the principles of Sociatatem on this day, and for all days forward, until mankind's yearning for peace is fulfilled. Divinity praise and mankind uphold the Kingdom of Aontas.