[h2]Kino[/h2] There were a lot of things Kino was unprepared for happening at once. Everyone had jumped into attacking, with a vast variety of methods. The strangest among them was, as far as Kino could tell, singing in order to power attacks. The singing girl was using the monsters as springboards, driving fists and feet into the creatures and crushing their bodies inwards with each impact. It seemed effective, if incredibly unusual. A few bugs were reaching beyond the others, though. Swiftly, Kino raised the Woodsman, and dove to the side as one landed in the spot she had occupied moments before. As it turned entirely to face her, the small dark-haired girl took aim and pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated in an instant and the twitching bug was sent to the ground, a smoking hole through the side of its head. Stepping back and swinging the Woodsman up, she fired again, taking out a second bug monster as it was swooping towards her. The body crashed to the ground with a thud. Five bullets fired from the Woodsman. Five bugs dead. Nine bullets remaining before she had to reload.